SJWs were funny clown loosers in 2014 now they are everywhere!

SJWs were funny clown loosers in 2014 now they are in every fucking IT company, project and community sabotaging everything. It's so fucking boring and annoying guys. I need a whole fucking year without hearing anything about sjw stuff to heal. I just want to work on and read about tech related stuff. I don't care about blacks or women or gays. I DON'T CARE! Just leave me alone! Now I can't go to a programming event without seeing trannies and femminists everywhere. Last time I went to a C++ event literally the first 2 hours long presentation was about women in tech and ho it's men's job to comfort women. What can we do about this global parasitic phenomenon? I want this to end!

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jesus fucking christ. The normalization of faggotry was a mistake.

this is just a temporary issue because the field is extremely overpaid and wasteful. once 5G makes it possible for 3rd-worldies to replace these degenerate westerners, SJW in tech will collapse

I work in this industry and nobody really talks like this. Everyone just does their own thing and occasionally a group of us will grab drinks after work and mingle. Mostly talk about the Bruins, Patriots, and other local bullshit. We have a guy with painted fingernails who acts like this but nobody wants him around because he’s a basket case. This Twitter craziness isn’t real imo. It’s all fake. Maybe it’s real in California or Seattle, idk.

>listens to 5 hours of SJW opinions
>web3 is suddenly a right wing paradise
I don’t see anything wrong with this

Leftism is terrible

Most people working on Web3 are anonymous and self-employed, cunt.

DIANA CHEN is an immoral cunt who is just trying to get rich by promoting shitcoins. This bitch is guaranteed to never have heard of bitcoin 10 years ago, and yet here she is, shilling shitcoins and NFTs like the gook nigger she is. FUCK YOU Diana Chen you useless money hungry cunt. You must have jew blood in you, you pathetic little slope eyed cunt.

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>What can we do about this global parasitic phenomenon?
Death is the only cure.

DIANA CHEN web3 crypto enthusiast is a scammer. Repeat this so everyone knows DIANA CHEN is a thieving jewish cunt.

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Absolutely. When pajeets have full run of IT via diversity hires and nepotism I look forward to doing the needful and telling people to show bob and vagene else get fired by the culture wave

>Just leave me alone!

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>jewish cunt
>clearly a slant
user, learn more slurs.

Leave me alone, or else...

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Why do these troons insist their gay nigger whining has any intrinsic value, whatsoever?
>Oh wow I listened to this gay nigger say I'm a nazi for five hours. Suddenly this seven-figure corporate website just blinked into existence all on its own!

These """"""""""""""people""""""""""""""" are an anchor dragging down human achievement. They should be thrown into a sewage tank and drowned.

She's a gook that is spiritually Jewish.

>spiritually Jewish.
No,she's a gook being a gook; they're like this without jews.

the same people who trained them, who took their college admission money, go to shul with the people who then created these jobs and hired them.
its like if i started a snipe hunting camp and then used my brother in law to blackmail congress into creating the national snipe hunters first airborne division.
except in this case it's replacing functional social infrastructure with cut-rate code and laws to exclude white people.

they are morally imperialistic. Most right wingers ignored them

>ho it's men's job to comfort women.
How do i get a job as a comfort man?

>check account
>"These Tweets are protected"
kek, how many death threats did they get?

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The collapse of silicon valley can't come quickly enough.

Wokism is corporate/governmental terrorism on their own populace designed to control them.

As proof, name one woke movement that actually didn't have either big private companies or the government backing them?

Why for such "rebellious" new age culture, it really is about sucking government cock as hard as you can.