Judain Peterstein is controlled opposition


Just show this video to any naive retard who support this gatekeeper. Maybe something will snap in him.
Thinking in retrospective it's not a coincidence that this idiot appeared and was promoted exactly when Trump appeared.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>juden peterstein

he's just a liberal
not quite CONTROLLED opposition, but certainly harmless to the status quo

He's also a dogman.

How about you get off the internet and clean your room, big guy.

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Hi guys.

I don't have enough enemies, so I'm going to make some more.

I'm real tough bro, I'll 1vWorld. Come at me bro.

Peterson has never advocated for being anti jew nor has he ever said anything negative about jews literally ever, what kind of double digit IQ retard would you have to be to be surprised by this?

apparently he had to write his books about individualism ect because he didnt want white people to start partaking in racial politics.

by forcing millions of young white people to focus on individuality, it stops them from collecting together

Always has been.

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As it should be. We don't need large groups of retards. We already have that, left and right. Individualism combats collective thinking, which is commie bs.

a darkweb surfer claimed to stumble upon a webcam chatroom where the host took live requests for ways to snuff his victims. he described his outfit as being about the same as pic related. why would a grown man like peterson own such cosplay faggotry

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>As it should be. We don't need large groups of retards. We already have that, left and right. Individualism combats collective thinking, which is commie bs.

i agree, watching whites being individual & falling in every aspect in every white country is kinda entertaining


Look at this kike. He can't answer because he knows. It's not even that he is naive, he knows it and actively works to shadow the truth and ti protect his masters.
I am willing to bet that he is actually controlled opposition. After all this fag worked his entire life in academia.

Jordan Peterson strongly condemns racism. He won't argue against liberals that say black people are poorer because of systemic racism. Maybe they have less fathers, or some politically correct nonsense.

But when white people complain about jews, the gloves come off. He wrote an entire paper IIRC about how jews are the superior race and have the highest IQs. How their interest in leftist politics can be entirely explained by having "open minded" personality types.

Why do universities with higher admissions standards have fewer jews? Why are jews conservative about Israel but not the US? Don't ask these question, you fucking antisemite.

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>faucet connector hoses
I just replaced those in my kitchen sink

nigga why did you think he was /ourguy/

shit you gyppos are retarded

I like Jordan but kek at pic


I've literally created this thread because I've seen this picture of the retard. I wonder how many will fall for it.
"Omg he's shooting a gun he doesn't know how to hold at the range. I will follow this retard now".

Learn how to read, expired maple syrup. I just said that this video is a great video to show to the retards who see him as some sort of dissident hero.

Ofcourse he is and also a junkie and a bad father, anyone who wants to read some of the spiritual stuff Peterson says just read Jung instead since he was not a complete faggot, JP copied all of it and added nothing exept that nationalism is bad and that whites dont deserve a collective identity or homelands

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He's such a fag. Can't answer the question because he got groomed by a jew since he was an 8 year old boy. And is currently getting extorted by his jewish daughter for money and likes.

Judan Peterstein taught me that the true evil of the jews is in their women. The jewish race are set up for maximum subversion, so of course the women have all the power(in the shadows) and you are only a jew if your mom is jewish. to allow for subversion of genetics. Fucking jews man.

And yet. I want to save Jordan. I think he is just trying to defend his family. At some point his knowledge of Christianity and Judaism has to clash, he will realize the evil of the jews and come to exterminate them from within.



Tell me we can save our father from the belly of the whale :(

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Are people really convinced by this schizo shit?

That video is like trying to say joe rogan is a nazi based on clips of him saying nigger

>not quite CONTROLLED opposition
Go read his website and look up pics of his wife and get back to us.

You honestly haven’t figured it out?
Look /pol is not what you think it is. Most of the people who post here are antifa. They need nazis so they larp as nazis. They hate personal responsibility so they shit on peterson while larping as nazis.

Hes not controlled but he is sort of naturally useful. Hes outside the main stream but only a little bit so hes safe to leave so he can act to draw people away from more radical thinkers.

Divide and conquer thread. OP is a tranny shill, stop falling for this shit, nu/pol/.

I've noticed that a lot of Any Forumsfags will just accept the mainstream narratives, but take the opposite position. So if a lefty says Trump is a nazi Any Forumsfags will go "YES HE'S BASED AND HATES JEWS WHOOOO NAZI TRUMP BASED" without actually thinking about what they're saying

This is what pisses me off most about Peterson. He knows about Jung and Freud's relationship. He knows Jung was a nazi and into the Wotan spirituality stuff. How could he not understand the profound disagreement between the German and Jewish spirit that the two psychoanalysts had? Freud(Jew) was obsessed with sex and fucking his daughter. Jung was trying to get to a collective unconscious, an understanding of the symbols that were buried deep within our mind.

fucking hell. I think Jung literally turned into a nazi by talking to Freud too much

times like this are when I cringe at Any Forums

Peterson is not even against trannies just mandatory pronouns, he wants trannies to be a thing

Imagine the collective brain power in that pic.... woah