SJWs were funny clown loosers in 2014 now they are everywhere!

SJWs were funny clown loosers in 2014 now they are in every fucking IT company, project and community sabotaging everything.
It's so fucking boring and annoying guys. I need a whole fucking year without hearing anything about sjw stuff to heal. I just want to work on and read about tech related stuff. I don't care about blacks or women or gays. I DON'T CARE! Just leave me alone!
Now I can't go to a programming event without seeing trannies and femminists everywhere. Last time I went to a C++ event literally the first 2 hours long presentation was about women in tech and ho it's men's job to comfort women.
What can we do about this global parasitic phenomenon? I want this to end!

Attached: 1644384184260.jpg (1439x1469, 171.27K)

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This is a legit good idea

It's literally marketing material for right wing death squads


I like the gradual abandonment of "PoC", "BIPOC", etc. and eventually just admittinhg that yes it's literally just the Nigger Question that is completely intractable and needs to be isolated

Is that what nerds are calling cryptofaggot nft scams these days?

None of these people are worth a damn when it comes to IT. I dont know shit when it comes to coding or programming but there are women with cozy jobs in the tech industry (sometimes even as coders or programmers) who know less about it than me.

There is nothing a somewhat educated white man could learn from fags or negroes. They should be required to listen to at least 5 hours of white men lecturing them about how in order to be taken serious by anyone in IT they need to actually be able to do at least basic levels of coding and irgnore their silly urges to make every workplace dispute about their skincolour or their vaginas (or them being a fag).

So what kind of things could you learn after 5 hours of genetical rejects' rants?

This is just the entertainment industry. You won't see any of this retardation in car companies, medicine, aircraft companies and the likes. Kikes rule the entertainment industry and pump out as much mainstream shilling as possible. It's just a money machine go brrr scheme. 90% of pol doesn't work so it's normal that their world view revolves around this retardation.

Take the low level/bare metal pill.
Everything is written in C99, no trannies or jannies in sight. Only older red pilled dudes.




Web3 is the idea of decentralized web. It can mean anything what helps you bypass big tech and governments.

ill look into this

thanks user

>t. web3 skemmer

web3 is the biggest scam that ever existed. I don't even know what the fuck it is or what people think it is.
>t. solidity developer


If it's any consolation, none of these people hold any jobs of actual power or consequence in tech and are generally disliked by other tech workers.

>Take the low level pill.
But I like strict type systems and meta programming! :(

They're in education, kraut, and from there they've spread like cancer into every industry. If you have soft white-collar jobs where you can sit at a desk all day staffed by young women or söys at your work then your organization is already infected.

>SJWs were funny clown losers in 2014 now they are everywhere!
Hey, that's a good point! Remember the Internet Aristocrat videos on Tumblr? those were hilarious, he was showing how insane those Tumblr people were. Now they run HR departments in Fortune 500 companies.

Well, yeah. That's because right-wingers mocked them instead of recognizing the threat, taking it seriously, and attacking it aggressively back in 2011/2012 when they were still marginal.

Modern western right-wingers have a history of ignoring or dismissing cultural threats.

>Haha, when those lunatics leave college and go into THE REAL WORLD, they'll change their tune quickly!

We need to purge this Boomer style of thinking. Because it's objectively wrong.

Attached: Yes.jpg (320x389, 17.61K)


>You can't call your code branch "master". Tyrone will be offended! Won't you, Tyrone?

Attached: 1643501984465.png (588x617, 507.47K)

>spend 10 years telling every wamyn and useless faggot on the internet 'lol just learn 2 code' while chuckling
>said holes and homos see which way the tide is turning
> they go online and do some basic as fuck Babbys 1st Hello World course
>Start flooding every IT company with their expert level coding experience
Don't be angry at the monster you created yourself

Everyone who lives in the US should be required to run 2 miles in under 15 minutes and bench press over 200 lbs to keep living in the US. Note I said “bench press”, not “eat” 200 lbs.

I'm in!

It was the same with hippies in the 60s

I don't have a lot of experience with high level programming. Written a little bit in C#.

I currently work as a embedded firmware developer and man I love C and everything around it. No BS abstractions or convoluted standard libs. Everything is very basic and give you total freedom of the HW. Everything is raw and efficient and no new updates to the language that breaks everything. Everyone just sticks to C99.

Can I call the broken module "buck"?