Why do our overlords keep importing foreigners?

Elites are not stupid. The top politicians in any Western country are shrewd operators with a world class education, a coterie of allies with common interests, a network of corporate and media contacts and access to the best advice available. So why are they filling our countries with lazy foreigners who refuse to integrate, mooch off the welfare system and drag down the economy? Almost all these countries suffer from a population crisis. Adding criminal freeloaders will not help the situation.

Many elites have pretty good economic training, plus experience. But you don't need either to see that the 'multiculturalism' project has totally failed. David Cameron made this exact statement in 2011 when he was Prime Minister of the UK. Why is it, then, that a decade later, our leaders are suiciding their own countries? Who profits? Labor costs stay low, housing costs go up. Welfare becomes meaningless. Public services are totally unsustainable. The population is divided and miserable. Who benefits?

Here in Finland, Somalis and Nigerians toddle around in the snow casting a ludicrous image, leeching off the very society they grumble about, showing literally no interest in living as Finns. They make six kids with their fat wives, and spend winters in their third world shithole. What's the point of all this? Why are elites in favor of this situation? They'd have much more prosperity if they weren't giving away their own nations.

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You dont understand the true degree to which Jews hate white people.

I was thinking about this last night as well, because I saw some niggers and chinks in the mall that I went to for first time since 7 years.
In the end, I couldn’t come to a meaningful conclusion. It’s most likely due to extremely low costs of importing a foreign worker, usually for a physical job like construction, who will basically half-slave for money. From what I understand, at some point there had to be a drop in interest in low-paying jobs in white/native population - I don’t know how else you can explain it.

Your first mistake was tolerating any of their nonesense.


OK but Jews aren't actually in charge of e.g. Finland. They aren't in charge of France or the UK. Just saying 'jews' doesn't explain why the political elites of these countries are calling for more destructive immigration.

this, and their shabbos goyim are whores who will do anything for money. it is this specific trait which they are chosen for, anyone else will never be allowed into the upper echelons

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him antisemitic.

Hmmm yeah who could possibly benefit from low labor costs and high housing prices, maybe the people who control labor and housing?

>The top politicians in any Western country are shrewd operators with a world class education....

Because there is no upper limit to human suffering.

Elites take pleasure on distancing from those below, the more pooed the people below the more pleasure they get

Real answer that you don't want to hear?
Your 16-24 year olds refuse manual labor on a sustainable scale.
Deliver the packages
Make the food
Build the houses
They don't want to do any of that, but those jobs must be done
Enter: foreigners

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>What's the point of all this? Why are elites in favor of this situation? They'd have much more prosperity if they weren't giving away their own nations.
they don't view as their nation, it is often not their nation. they don't care about nations or states. they are profiting off foreign invasion and making their slaves easier to control.

It's hard to trick Whites and Asians into taking bad debt agreements statistically speaking.
At least at this point.
The White and Asian market for retarded debt schemes is capped out.
But guess what isn't?
That's right!
Third world niggers, spics and chinks!
They have no fucking idea how to manage debt!
I guess they'll have to take that shit Amazon job because they now find themselves in a precarious debt trap.
They could just run along home, but that place is a real fucking shit hole, so that's out.
And here we are.

Now you understand why they keep doing it.

>Welfare becomes meaningless. Public services are totally unsustainable. The population is divided and miserable.
Who gives a shit when you're wealthy and powerful? You live in a nice neighborhood, drive a BMW from there to the central business district, and never have to encounter the problems introduced by the horde of poor brown people. In fact it works great for you, now you can pay a Somali 5€ to clean your flat instead of paying a Finn 10€! And the value of your property just keeps going up year after year! If only those stupid poors could just learn to embrace diversity like you do

Thoughtful answer.

>on a sustainable scale
viz. for below living wages. because capitalism relies on exploitation which is inherently unsustainable.


Then why arent they being asked to do it? Youre wrong because they often do. When the opportunity exists.

It's illogical to want to fuck up your own country's economy, no matter how unaffected you might think you are. Plus, Finland along with many other European countries is heavily socialized and has many public services that rely on said economy. Why do you think they all move here from their mud hut shitholes?

>Why do our overlords keep importing foreigners?

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>your own country's economy
these people don't have a country, they are a small, rootless international clique

>Elites are not stupid
This is a cope from elitists. It suggests that the world is just and that the best will always rise to the top. But that's not the case. No more is that the case than the idea that the strongest party will always win a fight. Sometimes shit happens, sometimes the strongest party gets sucker punched when they aren't paying attention, sometimes they slip on a small puddle of grease that they had no way to notice. Life is not just, life is not fair. People don't end up on top because they're the best, people don't end up on the bottom because they're the worst.

As for assessing why the elite do what they do, we would need a complete view of who the elite is, what their goals are, and how they go about their lives, but we don't have that. They're probably just spoiled retards who have themselves fallen for the idea that somehow they deserve their lot in life, so they themselves must be geniuses, and because of that belief they are pursuing their own personal goals, which are likely delusion, self-centered, short sighted, and retarded.

Yes when they union busted because labor wanted its share

>Elites are not stupid
big assumption there

because Nords are frugal and save their earnings.

Niggers spend money before it even hits their pockets and will go into debt to buy a new car, which they will still be paying off 5 years after it's wrecked.
Debt is what keeps out (((overleaches))) system going.
So that's why.

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>Your 16-24 year olds refuse manual labor on a sustainable scale.
First of all, this isn't true for my country. The reason is that in my country, they pay a living wage. Even a checkout girl can get an apartment and buy her food. So she will not give up that job. If you keep bringing in foreigners from worthless shithole countries, the wages will stagnate. You are a pea brain, and then nobody will be able to afford to do that job, foreign or not. Are you from Africa?

Secondly, most of these lazy foreigners don't work. They just come here and cash a welfare check. From money that was put aside by natives for a social contract they are quickly being disillusioned by.

>the elite aren't stupid
Correct, they are malicious.

It is actually we who control Finland.

Sometimes user. Shit floats.

>Elites are not stupid
No they just refuse to acknowledge or lack any deeper understanding of human nature. We’re all just numbers to them. All this mass importation will bite them in the ass at some point

It's very simple. Nobody notices the jews in the room if you have one nigger. Worse, the goyim think the jew is white. The jews leraned their lesson from 1933. Theey stood out among white people. If you muddy the water with niggers from Africa, they don't stand out anymore. They can even masquerade as white nationalist and lead the anti-immigrant movements and everyone think they're an ally. This is how you end up with pic related as the leader of the far right in France. A literal greasy kike from Algeria.

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I dont agree with loyalty to the nation because it no longer exists. I really dont see why id associate my history with a fraudulent entity masquerading as the legacy of my real country.

Jews hate all goyim but whitey the most. That's it.

Illegal and/or poorly educated immigrates = Serf class

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If you stupid chinks had more chilnren of your own, it wouldnt have to be like this

It's not the iron age anymore. Your country is part of the global tapestry just like everyone else's. You're as captured as we are

human right niggers and feminist are to blame for this.

Oh you're a MIGApede. My apologies. I guess you can say wypipo do dis.

The Overlords are under the ground.
First we need to exterminate the surface zogbots, military mercenaries, bureaucrats, politicians and other clowns standing in the way.

Second, we need to seize heavy duty mining equipment and descend in to the lower levels, this is where the glowniggers and other private mercenaries reside. These lower level demons have access to higher technologies most likely, nevertheless they need to be exterminated or at least pushed back deeper below the ground. Eventually they all need to be exterminated, but it's important to clear out the first levels below the ground. Beneath all major cities there are several networks of underground facilities and tunnels that accomodate these glowniggers and their information gathering apparatus, this is where they pull the strings from. Without intelligence they have no power to rule and to coordinate their psyops and manipulations.

tldr; they are underground and need to be dealt with, whole earth needs to be drilled like swiss cheese and the Overlords and their mercenaries exterminated

Didn't read replies before posting, so I said basically the same as you.