Americans, explain

Americans, explain.
Why do they always list two pronouns? If someone wants to be called they, is it not always the case that the second one will be them?

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Its a way of showing that you’re comfortable being they and them because some prefer being he and they

The only pronouns should be he, her, it.

People who don’t use their proper pronouns assigned at birth are sociological terrorists

>is it not always the case that the second one will be them?
Neoliberal pronoun stuff is already insane enough as it is, but some extra deranged specimen take it a step further and identify as multiple genders at once, so you get things like he/them or xe/zim.

Attached: University of Oklahoma pronouns guide.jpg (700x500, 183.53K)

That's what I dont get, if you are fine with he, why not him as well?

Why do trannies say assigned at birth?Your sex is observed,

I think it was originally people who used one pronoun wrote both forms for stuff like he/they I think it's just condensed like they're probably okay with both he/him and they/them
not that you should respect their pronouns in the first place

What combination of pronouns makes for the most confusing discourse?

You expect me to know the behavior patters of crazy people just because I got the stars and stripes?
It's a weird sex cult. That's all I know.


Well they are mentally ill after all, it was just something strange to me, I never saw one with mixed pronouns so it made me wonder what the point was.

People are called third person pronouns beh9nd their back. What does it matter anyway? I addressbpeople as you to their faces.

Don't act surprised. This shit comes from the US and gradually infests other countries. Same with other postmodern bullshit

I dont care about this nonsense
It's newspeak
And its filler for boring, uninteresting people

>This shit comes from the US and gradually infests other countries.
Americans are a disease.

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Because being a victim and being oppressed is seen as a good thing, a sign of personal virtue. And being oppressed has never been easier! Just say your pronouns are "he/they". That means you're OK with both. You can continue being a straight man who is in no way a tranny and never used any other pronoun that "he" in practice, but still claim those sweet, sweet tranny oppression points and claim to be trans in any discussion on the subject. Anyone who doubts you is a transphobe or transmedicalist! What does that mean? Who cares! Just learn the words and use them as weapons.


Based languages that are inherently anti-trans.

Out of all the stupid shit trannys do this is the thing that has you confused?... user, they chop their dicks off.

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You vil speak one Sprache

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My Pronouns are HE / MAN

I think while trannies are mentally ill, as long as they claim to be one of the existing sexes, it at least makes some sense, but the genderfluid stuff and million genders is absolute nonsense.

There's only 2 genders. You were either born with a penis, or you weren't. Adding more genders is just asinine. Like adding more ingredients to a perfectly fine peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Man I love German, I wouldn't mind.

For some it's a matter of just being a man or woman but wanting to be special and get those oppression points. For others it's more of a cope with being a tranny but not wanting to chop your cock off, as in you accept that you're not a real man but that you never will be a woman, so you just say you're something else. It's kinda sad but at least going that route there is a chance to change ones mind. You can stop using "they" and go back to being a man, you can't regrow your cock.

Yes, but bananas on pb&js are awesome though.