Liar or not?

Liar or not?

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Most probably.


he was turned by DIA after selling cocaine and running bitches to generals and big defense brass. they flipped him and has him shilling his bullshit story. anyone with corbell is a fed.

midwit will say liar
to midwits nothing exist outside their boring reality and their brain is unable to comprehend anything outside or new


next question please I have a sudden migraine

We’ll considering the fact that space is fake, I’m going to say liar. An entertaining story nonetheless.

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Literal Jew and a liar

pants on fire

He talks about that hand scanner like it's some super sekrit advanced tech but you can literally see it in a movie from 1977 plus it was being listed and sold in an electronics magazine earleir than that..

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Yes in case his expression wasn't a giveaway he is a mentally ill liar, also a Jew not that it matters :)

He's just the guy who wrote the Goosebumps books.

he passed several polygraph tests, a couple of them in the 80's and 90's. Several things of his own story were already comproved to be truth, how would he know the tests on saucers at day x or y of the week, that several people saw with him.

He is full of crap. doesn't take a genius to predict element 115. And it's not stable

polygraph is hoodoo horseshit that can be beaten by anyone willing to have a thumbtack in their shoe.

Do your own research into the "UFO" phenomena.

The properties of a large mass of moscovium sound phony. Though he was able to invite lots of witnesses to a night test of some kind of strange aircraft. Art Bell was a host for storytellers. Whether the story was fact or fiction wasn't important as long as it was entertaining.

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I don't know
The Greys are real though
I've seen those fucks. They come in two sizes. The little ones and the slightly bigger ones. The bigger one get an inch from your face and look into your mind

>hur dur uh I can’t really remember, it was so long ago
>uh you’ll have to forgive me, this migraine is making it hard to think
>uh uh uh my partner is going to have to answer that one

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>released the ermagherd variant

>polygraph tests

UFO = Glower psyops

then he was drinking scotch on top of a "migraine", people with severe migraines cant drink or they get it worse.

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>And it's not stable

true but that doesnt mean it doesnt have isotopes that are not stable, has anything more than a few atoms ever been made of it in a particle accelerator?

Maybe it has a stable isotope that is only found in space from stellar debris and if you bombard it with neutrons or xrays or high energy it produces gravitons or something, some elements produce photons when you hit them with high energy, think of how weird graphene is, if you have layer atomic element 115 thats a stable isotope and you do something with it perhaps it produces quantum effects.

He definitely lied about his involvement working with ET / reverse engineered craft. Working with ET technology is the most sensitive and highly secure work that humanity is currently engaged in. They do NOT take chances with the personnel and you WILL have an accident if you disclose anything even remotely to the extent he claims to have.