Humanity is not going to make it to 2500

Civilization won’t even make it to 2200

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Completely agree

aussies wont make it to dinner. these sheep cunts are fucked.

We survived the black plague, we survived being without claws or fangs in world were lions and tigers exist.
We will survive our own stupidity, however many could die in a nuclear war, but that deosn't mean the remainging few couldn't start something again.

MAD will not happen. But dozens of nukes will be used. Prepare accordingly.

>Born too late to explore the Earth
>Born too soon to explore the Galaxy
>Born just in time to watch the end of Civilization

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Not only will mankind not make it in terms of survival, most of mankind will end up in hell, meaning they won't make it spiritually either.

To those who are not saved; All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in hell and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate repent of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your salvation and He will deliver you from evil and save you from hell.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware:

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doesn't exist, and it's only ever in reference to the brown-yellow tinged orc hordes of "diversity".

What is happening to Europe + the US, Canada, Aus, and NZ with mass migration is the worst thing that has ever happened to these places though. You can survive economic downturn, plagues, famine, and war. But losing your people to foreigners means your nation is gone forever. Like the quote I've seen on here attributed to HP Lovecraft, it's always disastrous whenever inferior genetics collide with great civilizations. We have to kick these fucks out soon or else East Asia will be the only location of civilization left.


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>Humanity is not going to make it to 2500

Humanity yes... Civilization no that has a year at best left.

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tahts not how u spell "losing" is it

We can only hope Kiwinon

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I know a lot of people who deserve to die. I never thought about killing them though because I know Putin will do it for me.

We will survive some gopniks flaunting the only power they have

The system is fucked Burger bro, it is like a rotten tree all it will take is the right wind and down it will all go.

Russian are whiny pussies. They will never launch the niclear strike.
USA has the courage, determination and the will to do it.
They should nuke those Russian bastards and then take their oils and gas.
Then they will make all the Russians happy.
Just look what USA has made out of Japan after they nuked it.
Nuclear strike is the last and only hope for the people of Russian Federation.

Who is gonna get the privilege to fuck all the virgins in your new tribalism?
The Lord of the tribe?
Fuck that. This is feudalism.

>Who is gonna get the privilege to fuck all the virgins

Bitch Imma be a druid. speak and think for yourself.

Amazon's servers are miles underground. The pedo elites are prepared. They wouldn't have picked Biden to press the button if they weren't prepared.

There are multitude ways for humanity to end. We’re dealing with centuries here. The “elite” will go extinct with the rest of the unwashed. They’re not bright as you think and totally unprepared.

100% correct user, no they will not make it either... just like last time.

By 2100, the global population will have started to collapse, with significant growth still coming out of Africa.

Humanity is degrading into a retarded nightmare.

the problem with the elites is that they are not engineers, not scientists, not farmers, and not builders. how will they survive? these are just stupid Jews taking advantage of the stupidity of capitalism who stole a lot of money.