Oh noooo, Russia is trying to invade “Ukraine”

Wait, how come the parts of Ukraine that Russia is helping to gain independence is 90% Russian?

Where is the right of those people to not be subjugated by Ukrainians who are a very different people and who oppressed them for a long time?

Attached: 85B31851-3269-44F0-B176-9FF41A37D2E5.gif (731x499, 13.83K)

Byt that logic large parts of Germany belong to middle east.

So Russia is a Chinese province?

By that logic, Las Vegas belongs to Israel

Canada should be US territory but most people don't care or agree. The perfect world map looks like this.

Attached: world map 2021.png (5616x2160, 906.2K)

>90% Russian?
Russian-speaking Ukrainians are a result of imperial Tsarist and Soviet policies and cultural institutional monopolies. Almost everyone CAN speak Russian in Ukraine. Most actual Russians live in Crimea.

why do Africa have different countries?

And poland to the jews, pre 1939

Your kike globohomo propaganda claims that there are a lot of chinese in russia?

(((((((Taiwan)))))) data.

Attached: wut.png (1204x605, 204.79K)

The whole Ukraine thing is nonsense. Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe now, the government is extremely corrupt, and half the country (eastern/southern half) is openly pro-Russian.

Russia would take Ukraine in a day, but they're literally not threatening to. Russians are explicitly saying no invasion UNLESS we have Ukraine join NATO or put NATO/US troops in Ukraine.

The whole thing is a psyop by US dems to distract from Biden's shitty poll numbers. And neocons are also insane and jackoff to cold war memories and want to relive war with USSR. Seriously. Find some old conservative boomer and bring up Russia and they'll go on and on muh ussr. It's fucking surreal. Makes you realize they actually brain washed boomers during the cold war.

>The whole thing is a psyop by US dems to distract from Biden's shitty poll numbers. And neocons are also insane and jackoff to cold war memories and want to relive war with USSR. Seriously. Find some old conservative boomer and bring up Russia and they'll go on and on muh ussr. It's fucking surreal. Makes you realize they actually brain washed boomers during the cold war.

American conservative boomers anyway. I don't think euros got the same treatment.

america ran a coup in ukraine in 2013 and we're just mad that russia is trying to do the same thing 9 years later.

Are you reta... *checks flag*... oh you are.
Right in case you are not trolling and you are actualy retarded jews are not nation but religion. And all jews we had were poles.

Why are all the Russian shill accounts German flags lately? Sorry, Ivan, we're finishing what Uncle Adolf started and kicking your shit in so your Jewish communist menace cannot spread.

>how come the parts of Ukraine that Russia is helping to gain independence is 90% Russian?
Because Stalin flooded all the SSR's with Russians to stymie nationalist movements

Basically east Ukraine wants to keep Ukraine from going globohomo and west Ukraine wants to have EU support. However most Ukrainians are content with the country in whole and the U.S. / Jews see this as an opportunity to start a war and station U.S. into Ukraine as to have a foothold at the front door of Russia.

It's the boomers last hurray dream to piss off Russia, they literally have no reason to live being so old and out of touch.

uruguay and south brazil should go to argentina

As long as you will forbid Brasil making this goddamn abomination called mate green to be sold to europe i can turn blind eye to it (and no i am not talking about chimarrao, they produce some export only abomination).

are you talking about the herb infusion? i didnt know it was consumed outside of argentina desu

No they make some abomination called mate green to be sold in bulk to europe. It's pretty much despalada without polvo that was not seasoned.... just dreid and sold straight away, taste like shit green tea that someone forgot to take out of water. And yeah mate is decently popular in europe.

Map of a sane person, who disagrees with this is a jew nigger.