Can someone explain what they mean by this?

Sounds like some fuckery

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LOL reuters

Might want to check the connection between Pfizer and Reuters before you trust anything they say.

..murmurs the jabs are getting pulled.

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Jabbies have AIDS
Can't keep the lid shut on it for too much longer

They are saying...
>shit, ok it didn't work like we said it worked, but here, here's a new way we think it works. Yeah, it's not as good as the initial way we claimed it worked, but whatever.

This, it's post-hoc justification.


When a person is infected by a coronavirus, their immune system learns to produce antibodies for the spike protein (S-antibodies) and for the nucleocapsid proteins (N-antibodies).
When a person is injected with mRNA, your cells only produce the spike protein, so in a best case scenario your immune system only learns how to make S-antibodies.
These results show that when a vaxxer is subsequently infected, the vaxxer's immune system doesn't effectively produce N-antibodies.

This is fucking obvious. This is what the mRNA vaccines were made to do. mRNA is an instruction for your body to make a protein. These "vaccines" specifically make your body produce the spike proteins and then your body is independantly supposed to recognize the spike protein as harmful and produce your own antibodies for it. This is even directly from Pfizer as per how it works.

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Nothing gets to you, staying fresh staying cool, with Mentos, fresh and full of life.
Fresh goes better, Mentos freshness, fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life!
Mentos, the freshmaker!

Attached: 1644391511229.jpg (843x1433, 85.26K)

Retard journalist has the biology knowledge of a nigger and tries to write a small article about some article from a scientific journal, fails at it and writes something pretty incomprehensible alongside a "it means it's working" canned conclusion

>it doesnt change your DNA
>ok it does change your DNA
>and thats a good thing
>it gives you antibodies
>ok it doesnt give you antibodies
>and thats a good thing
It's just goalpost moving

so how are they spinning that as a good thing? surely it's better to have the N-antibodies too

I dont know how the fuck this is news. I thought this was already known to everyone before they even rolled the vaccine out

If we go by the results of the failed animal trials, the immune system becomes less-and-less effective with each additional mRNA dose.
The article tries to suggest the immune system's ineffective N-antibody response is due to the infection being mild (y'know, because the vaxx prevented it from being severe) but that would be another example of how the mRNA shots are not like vaccines.

Incidentally, laboratory animals genetically modified to have compromised immune systems are extremely important to research.

Well basically, they know they have to lie to you, so they just tell you it's a good thing and don't elaborate why.

>The vaccine doesn't protect you, and that's a good thing. Get vaccinated, stay safe.
LITERALLY what this article is saying once you strip out the newspeak.

two more decades


>More antibodies —> this means it’s working!
>Less antibodies —> this means it’s working!

Scientists will never admit that virology is nonsense and you can’t effectively test is someone with no symptoms is ill because ILLNESSES ARE THEIR SYMPTOMS

yeah they just seem to be completely gaslighting the goyim who will trust them because they appeal to authority, use scientific terms and pilpul, all the while stabbing them in the back

They're pretending that the vaxxers didn't effectively produce N-antibodies because the vaxx worked so well at fighting the infection with just S-antibodies.

It's worth noting that a way the nastier variants of viruses fuck you up is by having a protein or subdomain that mimics signal proteins in the immune amplification pathway.
Basically your immune system overreacts and if the immune response itself doesn't kill you outright, the opportunistic bacterial infections that come after your immune system is depleted will finish you off.
So... remember S-antibodies? Due to the spike protein mimicry, the S-antibodies will also likely attack the signal proteins that tell your immune system to turn on and fight infections.