300 milliom years old

>300 milliom years old
>buried like 10 feet below the ground
How do we expose this lie

Attached: Creation-Evolution-000113.jpg (1439x2015, 201.26K)

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Source or fake and gay.

Maybe start by posting link to this discovery you fucking retarded nazi

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Kek, OP is a leftist and the only person he tricked was another leftist shill. Fucking idiots, sage

earth is less than 10,000 years old

he was great in hogans heros

>t. Shill

That just means humans have been around much longer. Which I believe to be true.
I believe we have had at least one high society similar to ours now at least once in the past. Cataclysm, restart. It's probably happened a few times.

I don't believe you and I gurantee I've read the bible front to back at least four times as much as you have.



Attached: Dinohunter.jpg (1500x1098, 1.91M)

I've never even read the bible, so I'm sure you have

>faggot bumps it anyway

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Kek, look at this shill he’s seething so hard he forgot what sage is. What a joke leftists are

I know. I've read it four times.

so 500 million years ago there were oceans in one part of the world, but over time as the continents and tectonic plates moved around, these oceans and the rocks that make them up could be uplifted, tilted, turned upside down, folded, buried deep inside the earth's crust, or exposed in outcrops. So basically if there was an ocean somewhere 500 million years ago, and the geological structure of the earth changed a lot in that timespan, you end up with fossils in places where they are exposed at the surface. For example, shale beds in the NE part of north America contain abundant Cambrian fossils of organisms like Crinoids, Trilobites and other Cambrian-era lifeforms that were abundant in the shallow seas that once existed in eastern north america during that time period, before the uplifting event that formed the appilachian mountains, which is why so much of that is now exposed as shale beds.

When I used to live in upstate NY we would go to fossil sites and you could just pick through the shale and find trilobites and other fossils, it was really neat. I would dig up fossils in my back yard, in fact when we got a pool in, the excavators dug up a bunch of rocks and I would pick through them and find fossils of bivalves and other cambrian-era fossils.

prove any of that

Another memeflag. Interesting.

Later examination of the "Moab Man" skeletons indicate that they are unfossilized remains that were subject to an intrusive burial, and have been carbon dated to between 210 and 1450 years old

Safe me again daddy.

Btw still one post by OP

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Prove my dick wasn't in your ass.

learn to read and maybe you can learn something yourself.