I would want to start a global white separatist movement, where I could find people to join this operation?

I would want to start a global white separatist movement, where I could find people to join this operation?

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try asking people around the local office, it is hard to find people in the wild to join my false flags.

not here. everyone is all talk no walk here

I don't work in an office, I thought that I would start finding likeminded people on the internet first.

Completely serious.

home depot ese

Yeah I noticed but here at least are some people who think like I do.

I thought about that but maybe when there is more money and infra first.

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Nice proxy fed. Not gonna get anything out of us here.

>where I could find people to join this operation?
try the men's room at truck stops and rest areas. wave your hand under the divider between the stalls. if you hear a knock at your stall door shortly after, you've found one

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>a global white separatist movement
If it were possible for whites to leave this planet it would have already happened.

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Move to the PNW and campaign for white separatism, dummy

Just head to this address here and you’ll find a bunch of guys to join your operation

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Why white?

Just get based people who don't give a fuck.

We interracial marriage people like your politics, but won't join unless you let in out wives and kids.

I'm thinking separatist communities would work, like what Nation of Islam is doing.

Stop smoking weed

Based people can found their own community somewhere, I want to find a white community.

lol no, your kids are non white

I am actually okay with white men having non-white wives.

Black user here. I would join you.

Go and find your own community.

You’re not allowed either then

You are ok with race mixing traitor anyways. Let me bring my best friend Shlomo along to.

There are women on Any Forums?

I would literally sell all of my belongings and give all my cash toward being part of a white separatist community

Then the Pacific Northwest US is your best best

Apparently their aren't enough Mexican, India, Arab, Persian, and other miscellaneous brown people running around, and the (((people))) who run the advertising services decided to try to shore up the numbers by mixing Africans and Europeans......

Sure hope that white people don't go extinct as was predicted in 3001... because last I checked there's still plenty of Africans in Africa.

>Or as they said in JoJo rabbit "imagine how wonderful the world be if everyone looked the same".

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