Be depressed, suicidal and self harm

>be depressed, suicidal and self harm
>finally seek help
>first combination of of SSRIs dont help
>second combination helps
>no longer daily panic attacks and random bouts of crying
>can go out in the daytime without hiding in hoodie and swallowing down a panic attack
>no more self harm

So what is your problem with SSRIs? They help. Is it the medication itself that is the issue or do you not believe that depression can have a neurological basis that can't be treated with just therapy or change of lifestyle alone?

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They don't beat placebo in a lot of studies.

Just like the vaccines amirite?

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same here
Ive been on Escitalopram for 3 yrs now, its a game changer
idk how long I can take it tho

The fact that ketamine improves neuroplasticity and cures depression literally within hours ought to tell you something about SSRIs.

Muh depression is a special kind everyone look at me I'm a spastic

>Weight gain to the pont of diabetes risk
>withdrawals are flu-like symptoms worse than Covid

Because they aren't a solution they are a band aid over a wound that will never heal

Fix the underlying problems causing your sadness instead

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>be zoomer
>teacher overhears you’re sad
>50mg SSRI
>teacher sees you looking out the window one day
>60mg adderall
>mom can’t get you to fall asleep
>100mg ambien
>eyes start twitching randomly
>2 bars of Xanax
>start hearing voices in head
>more bars of xanax and some lithium
>why are kids shooting up schools?

They are ok if you are at rock bottom

If you are mildly depressed its not needed. Just change your environment

I took Xanax XR (2-3mg a day) for years and the withdraw felt like death

Try valium instead or quit that shit

Yes, they help, but not the way they advertised. They doesn't cure, doesn't help you change your life, it is mostly some sort of painkiller for soul. You just stop caring.
Well, in other words, it's pepepill IRL.

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Not me, just the life of a zoomer

Like all drugs your body will adapt and you will build a tolerance.
You will need increasing amounts of medication until risk outweighs reward.
You are in a deeper hole than you ever were before in terms of neuro chemistry.
Medication is meant to be used in combination with therapy and discontinued before you can build too high a tolerance.
The idea that depression has a biological basis and that this is somehow seperate from your thoughts is retarded.
You change the chemicals in your brain by thinking that's what thought is.
Don't get sucked in to this idea of the biological basis it's just another maladaptive cognition that disempowered you to go with the others you already clearly have.

Source: I have a degree in psychophysiology and am also smart enough to have never gotten depression

My problem is that while the one I was prescribed “works”, I can’t orgasm at all. Which is a problem if I want to have kids.

SSRIs can be straight up contraception at this rate

>So what is your problem with SSRIs?
>no more self harm
Nigger, the drug companies even admit in their own fucking ads that this shit can cause MORE suicide ideation.

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juust take it forever lol

Man up and lift heavier weights until the serotonin lifts you out of depression.

The pills literally make you impotent.

For me, it was going off them that was scary. I’ve already thought of sewer cide before. Quitting an SSRI cold turkey got me to the point of nearly going to get the metal bullet hose and tasting the metal

I’ve had a stronger respect for how dangerous these pills are ever since

>be depressed
Normal human emotion
Most that fall into hard times think about suicide at some point. Others lack attention they so desperately crave
>self harm

Music is much more effective than Shekelstein's broth

This explains why fucking seattleites are so dead inside. They literally can't cum. There's no pleasure to life anymore, only predictability and homogeneity and they're ok with it, going through the motions...

>can cause side effects
