It wasnt six million

it wasnt six million

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Prove it wasnt goy

hitler is a faggot

But it should have been.

It was actually more, but the government suppressed it

Probably a few thousand at best.

It was 11gorillion last I heard.

Whatever the amount, it's not enough

Hello, Monark. Nice to see you here

prove it was Rabbi

It clearly wasn't enough. They didn't learn shit.

>Prove it wasnt goy

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It wasn't enough clearly

And you're jewish so…

no idea what you're drunk and frog posting about user, you should perhaps get some sleep but the jannies do their job
funny though, just incidentally thought of the 11 gorillion died in death camps for some reason... but i don't know how i got 11 from 6

o-ok, they really did hate jews.
but it was mathematically impossible

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Remember when they photobombed India crematoria for covid fear porn?
Its a hypothetical number.

im weaponizing humanity

No youre a tripfag and feign the genius schizophrenia larp. How trite.

Nein goy! Es waren sechs gazillions.
Du solltest besser copen damit, und the fuck still sein.

Someone post the two doges meme they deserved it/it didn't happen


understandable have a good day.

YOU prove it wasn't

Six million honks to end the persecution of the unjabbed

6 million may actually be an underestimate

>the jews weren't gassed
>but we should gas the jews to finish what Hitler started
The absolute level of cognitive dissonance on display here


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