How did this happen?

How did this happen?

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The gay agenda, that's how.

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>plastics and hormones in the environment
>jewish brainwashing in the media
>40yr old mothers birthing autistic children

theres probably more reasons, but this gets you about 99.99% of the way there

I dont know why does everyone love cock so much?

Won't this create a mass "dying off", if 40% of the population forms relationships that can't result in kids?

Jews. take the sharia pill to clean the mess up

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Its just because they show it all the time and its popular. If they started pushing people smearing shit on their face like germans, then that would be 30% of zoomers too.

Internet. It will be the downfall of mankind.

That is the only way to get a college scholarship and a job for some people. They have to lie about being gay.

40% some form of gay, and we are supposed to believe it's not a choice? How does a species survive with 40% fans and dikes?


well then I guess generation alpha will indeed be the last generation after all. Depopulation truly is the ultimate goal of everything in clownworld

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Pornography was pushed on very young people and this early sexual trauma is what creates homosexuals. 100% of the children which identify as gay were exposed to inappropriate content at too young an age

Wow it really is over for the masses. Glad my kids are pagan and my wife is racist. Otherwise I might actually be worried about something that matters.

Loads a grooming

Yes and that's a good thing. There are too many fucking people on this planet.

We lose culture but we gain a slave underclass of niggers again ironically.

>Won't this create a mass "dying off"
have you not been paying attention to anything jews have done for the last 70 years?

destroying western white nations is exactly what they want, through any and ALL means: miscegenation and subversion are two of their most frequently used weapons.

go look up how jews push:
>racial mixing in the media
>multiculturalism in all white nations
>feminism to destroy the nuclear family unit and turn white women against white men
>hedonistic lifestyles
>push atheism and the abandoning of spirituality
>nigger culture through music, tv, art, media

the list never ends, jews are actually the fucking worst

how do you not already know all of this?

Throw some vaccines in there too.

Even if we lose 40% of the world pop, we'd barely go back to the world pop of 100 years ago.

Problem is the ratios of that pop...

>How does a species survive with 40% fans and dikes?
it doesn't. At least without a massive die-off of biblical proportions

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not for everyone...

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Atheists and skeptics anddiddla pagans.

That's a painting, right?

not gonna lie, it's an internal conflict over temptation. On one hand we have potential eternal damnation, but on the other hand we have tight and clean bussy 5 minutes away. Lord give me strength to not plow someone's son.

when you gave a shit they thought in order to be unlike you they had to be gay
congratulations, human psychology of stupid kids fucked your efforts

Shit I would too if the only way to get a job is to be some sort of queer.

gENerAtioN ZyKLoN

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HAHAHAHA shitians at it again. You just cant stop losing

also kikes own the media so... yeah


without foreign aid and food imports from the west Africa will die quickly as well.

If I walked by one of those signs I would literally open a bottle of vodka, call some hookers, some of the people I know in the music scene and have a drug fuelled concert orgy.
No faggotry though.

No, happened in France

Nope it's real. I tried to DEBOONK it, but all I could find on it that it was a real art exhibition that happened. Welcome to fucking clown world.

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When you incentivize something you get more of it. I identify as a mixed race member of the LGBTQ+ community and non-binary. Anyone who looks at me thinks I am a straight Irish guy, but identifying not as such makes me a minority, which makes it more difficult for my company to fire me for poor performance.

So what the fuck are we suppose to do?

Just young people following trends and pretending to be LGBTBRAAP+ for social brownie points.
>"I'm Suzy and I'm bisexual because I kissed my girlfriend on the cheek teehee...LIKE AND RETWEET!!!"

Amish where this isn't an issue and didn't fall for global homo, played the long game and will be the only white breeders of note.

Congrats to them for playing the long game.

whenever i fill out forms i never specify my gender or sex that probably counts in their statistics but i do it just because clown word and fuck their data just check a box to get what you want

Hey yall zoomer here. Tiktok did this

>according to a soon-to-be-released study
Weak bait OP

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Guess when children stopped being punished for being left handed in school

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Bet you they’re disproportionately white

boomers capitulated out of convenience


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They are demon possessed

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Wow, Newsweek polled every single "Gen z" member and asked them their sexual orientation and got an answer?
That's crazy. There's no way that some retards asked 100 unverified people on the internet what they say they are, and fit the results to whatever they wanted so retard news agencies could print some propaganda.

It's identification, not practice. You ask zoomers if they're queermos, 40% say yes. You ask zoomer boys if they've had dick in their ass and it's not going to be 40% yes. It is a fad to be lgbtpqi+++++, you see all kinds of young people claim to be "gender-non-conforming," "non-binary," "queer" etc. None of those things require you to actually BE a faggot. They just require self-identifying as a faggot. They will grow up and see being gay as a cringe thing they pretended to be when they were younger.

We let the gays have too much power to push a agenda that had no root problem to begin with

maybe im older but remember the different cliques in school, jocks, burnouts, etc? i imagine gay is a clique of its own now. kids not knowing where they fit in just claim gay because its edgy and they dont want to be preppies.

We are souls, not races.
We are souls, not genders.
There are no race nor gender, all are one in Christ Jesus.

so much for the zoomers are based meme

>How did this happen?
I'm not sure. One day, I woke up and...." hey, you can't wear colorful cloths or rainbows unless you're a homosexual."

Because 30% of them are saying they're bi even though they heavily prefer the opposite sex, just to be "different".

I knew those chinks were behind this

If more teens are interested in same sex relationships does that mean teen pregnancy has gone down?