Why don't white nationalists like him? He killed millions of sandniggers, he put a lot of niggers in prison in Texas...

Why don't white nationalists like him? He killed millions of sandniggers, he put a lot of niggers in prison in Texas, he was tough on the border, he hated fags and supported Christian family values, he was pro-capitalism. He even attacked McCain as a race mixer in the 2000 primaries.

Attached: George-W-Bush.jpg (1200x1588, 362.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/President's_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief#:~:text=Launched by U.S. President George W.&text=PEPFAR is implemented by a,primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The sage Ryokan admired bamboo for its emptiness, as it is hollow in the middle. His hut was surrounded by bamboo and one day he noticed a shoot growing through the floor of his closet. He took great interest in the shoot and as it grew too large for the enclosure, he took up a candle to burn a hole in the roof. His thatched roof burned more readily than he expected and his entire hut burned down, along with the surrounding bamboo.

Attached: 1631910051830.jpg (600x600, 45.44K)

Conspiracy against peace

>Massive immigration
>Retarded war for Jews
I wonder why

>war for oil and to avenge his fathers assassination attempt
>100% shabbos goyim
fuck this and every other jew golem

fuck you

Jews are white. Jesus was a Jew. Leave this retarded anti-Semitic bullshit in the 19th century. The enemies are the colored masses.

...Patriot ACT....

you're not getting your Bush family loyal good-goys back, kike, now drop it

When everyone agrees that an unpopular President would be better than any of the recent Presidents, you know things are bad.

People didn't like the last Czar of Russia but after the rise of Bolshevism, Lenin, and ultimately, Stalin, people privately agreed that the days of the Czar were good.

Because he did all for the jews. But source on him calling McCain a race mixer? That sounds like it might be funny.

White nationalism is when you kill millions in a country not even related to us
No that's called Globalhomo you nigger

Attached: 1644300575557.jpg (1024x572, 56.46K)

Fuck off retard, no one buys this shit anymore

Attached: bush doing the happy dance.gif (269x202, 1.23M)

When he said he was defending "America and her allies" from a country that had no ICBMs, how was he defending America?

Yeah, what a great president who made good use of my taxes.

Attached: Screenshot.png (1165x845, 542.21K)

Attached: mission_accomplished.jpg (400x303, 52.47K)

Ever notice how tight the Bushs and Obamas are? That should tell you everything you need to know. They're on the same team faggot. The fleecing the working masses to hand it over to their buddies team. In what universe is that a free market?

>Popular in Africa: Bush has given more aid than any other US president
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/President's_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief#:~:text=Launched by U.S. President George W.&text=PEPFAR is implemented by a,primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa.

killing sandniggers is always defending america

>Why Any Forums hate? I no get
Because he’s was and still is a fucking golem.

>(((fellow white people)))
Kek, I wonder who could be behind this post. Fuck off Chaim

Attached: 1385826541188.png (738x563, 316.41K)

The Jews you know and see now are nothing but Pharisees of old. The ancient Jews from the New Testament are the Christians you see today.

Truth hurts fucking cucks

>Why don't white nationalists like him?

Iraq II was a war for Israel paid for by american taxpayers pulled off by jewish neocons advising W.

he allowed in millions of illegals for cheap wages.

>he was tough on the border

a lie. e-verify was never enforced. I know, surprising. they set that whole thing up for show and then never enforcrd it.

>he hated fags and supported Christian family values, he was pro-capitalism

you cannot conclude white nationalist therefore anti-LGBT.
you cannot conclude white nationalist therefore Christian.
you cannot conclude white nationalist therefore pro-capitalist.

white nationalism is a demographic and constitutional strategy. it doesn't imply anything else.

basically, just fuck off.

>tough on the border
in what fucking universe?

Because no matter how much trad pandering and DEUS VULTing you christgoys do, it'll never change the fact that they're all zion shill puppets.

Attached: edd.png (802x1164, 695.8K)

should have just couped iraq with the monarchy. same with libya.

Literally not fucking hard.

He cucked to the liberals big time.
One example is the diesel particulate emissions rule.

Patriot Act.

>jews are white

stop right there moshe. However I will grant you that jewsus was a jew.

> follower of fake 1980s version of christianity
> Pro-beaner, pro-beaner immigration, pro-amnesty
> Only targeted muslims that were anti-communist, let the actual Wahhabi terrorists get rich
> allowed big tech to be formed us
> no accountability for the recession and bankers ripping off the country
> A police system that was trained by Israel and kills 4x the amount of whites than they do blacks
> Promoted white genocide through faggy anti-sex propaganda
> Promoted the explosion of faggotry and hard drug use by overcompensating

What reason is there to like neocons? They're some of the lowest IQ bottom of the barrel retards around. If you're white you should be opposed to neocons 120%.

It doesn't matter what he "did", even if all of what you listed was true, he is still completely cucked right now at the present day.



>he was tough on the border
