Uhhhhhh fellow vaxies I'm not feeling so hot

This is totally just a simple vaccine and not gene therapy. Are vaccinated people even going to be considered human in the future or are they all together a new species?



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The BEAST system

fuck off Qtard

As jonas salk craved.

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No refunds.
Also you will own nothing, not even your body.

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humans don't have a reverse transcriptase gene. there are no genetic changes.

Vaxxies are beasts now.

Bro you got AIDS lol.
I think the correct tern is VAIDS actually.

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Im glad to be a Pureblood

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Treat the lemmings like Doctor Moreau.

opinion discarded

No refunds! And now that you aren't considered human every single international law about your rights doesn't exist. You are now a slave, will own nothing, and be happy.


That means Downs syndrome retards aren't human

I'm not vaccinated, but you're still a Qtard.

DUDE I've been saying clotters aren't fucking human since the very first push of the experimental gene therapy

telomerase is a reverse transcriptase, humans have other RTs as well, and technically RNA is a genetic material and the adaptive immune system undergoes its own kind of genetic editing during an immune response, but you're right that the type of genetic changes OP is implying is absolutely braindead

>That means Downs syndrome retards aren't human
>Different number of chromosomes = completely different genetic makeup than your average human being

You're retarded

Motherfuckers so desperate to be right they'll believe anything they're told that supports their conclusions by literally anyone. There's a phrase or word for this but I can't remember exactly what it is. Maybe "niggerbrain" or something like that.

TDLRL Jonas Salk invented a polio vaccine. He writes about how RNA viruses can and do naturally modify out genomes and that the elites repurposed viruses in his own time to genetically experiment on human populations to control them by making them retards(neurological disorders), or to "elevate them". Basically the general population are considered expendable refuse.

RNA viruses are known to be a composite of 10% of our genome and also transposes a mechanism of change in nature. Which also shits on the faggot nigger tier Luciferian metaphysics of the religion of darwanism.

For more context Jonas Salk was employed by the Carnegie Melon Foundation which is an old Eugenicist family in the US that coordinates with the Rockefeller Foundation. Those guys are balls deep in modern Eugenics, ie Genomics, CRISPR, artificial wombs and all of this other transhumanist shit.

FYI, if you got a PCR test, you've been genomically dragnetted. CEO of Jewtube Susan Wojcicki, her sister Anne Wojcicki is the CEO of 23andMe.\

>vaccines were never, ever about population health
>only a stupid nigger believes in such retarded fairytales

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>literal who has no understanding of biology and medicine
many such cases!

Checked, but we love them anyways.

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More state disnfo. What a ride!

Mudbloods seething

confirmation bias, maybe

>absolutely braindead

Discovery identifies a highly efficient human reverse transcriptase that can write RNA sequences into DNA

Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues

oh yeah bc we know all there is to know about complex biology...you fuckers are still playing on the beach.