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Yanks are proving that they are the true cucks. Despite the 2A and liberty LARPing, they sit by idly while Canadians bravely blockade their busiest border crossings.

If the "based" Michigan fags actually blocked a highway on their side Globohomo would literally fail. However they do nothing but continue to idolize obese African football players and guzzle down chili cheese fries.

Kikes MAD

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Shills seething

Shut the fuck up. This is the best thing to happen. Can’t wait to go to the states this summer and talk with a bunch of based boomers and fuck American women seethe faggot, I love how I can relate more to them than I can millennials

they are just backed up because the bridge is closed, it is possible there are some protesters but the bridge is closed and backed up in detroit

Based. Fuck trudeau

Two more weeks and the traffic will clear up.

Lol even in two weeks it would still be 9 miles of traffic to cross that fookin bridge.

uhh we dont want you, kindly keep your horns at home

i swear to god if you fucks start honking

Our northern border is long overdue for an overhaul, this is exactly what Build Back Better was designed to protect against.

Any Canadian I hear dropping a honk honk gets rounds on me.

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They really won't stop the covid bs until trudeau is dragged out and hanged

bros how is the windsor blockade still going on? it's literally been 36 hours and they still haven't removed 100 cars that are parked on huron church.

is it because the cops are all in ottawa right now?? or are the cops on the blockaders side? just seems weird to me that they can't clear these people out.

No lockdowns up here though.

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I’m physically buying all Canadians beer if they pull this off.
Link please, and location...
I need to see my brothers off

first round of maplebeers on me leafbro

halibut or salmon?

couldnt live there myself, but awesome vacationing ... any catch pics ? Thanks

Dunno if you're happy fren but i sincerely wish that the craziness of this era doesn't get to you, especially when you have access to such a location.
