The politics of neighbors. New neighbor starts stump fire, leaves, becomes brush fire

Now it's a brush fire.

I called the fire department and they're putting it out now, it's controlled. But what is the likely political persuasion of a person who sets a fire and leaves it unattended?

I'm going to chew her glutes off and her anus out next time I see her. Luckily the fire Jr. Chief that came with was actually a good dude. This is the second night in a row that all the vehicles next door just left a fire going and drove home.

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Anyway I'm going down to see the Mayor tomorrow, I know her already and she's cool. She won't like this one bit.

Also I told the 911 operator that I didn't believe her that the trucks were coming until I heard the sirens, then I told her I loved her. She got noticeably flustered, then I said "thank you sweetie" and hung up.

Fucking WTF though. I hope you all have better neighbors.

>fire fren

check with your state division of forestry green truck frens
they have the power/authority to write a ticket/fine

red truck frens cant do shit unless damage is over x or a loss of life

In most states arson is a felony op

yeah i guess and i think she was trying to burn her own new house down

jr chief agreed, i asked him if he could take a walk around and told him to grab his flashlight

illegal drywall and interior treated timber fire in the back

Kill her, it's the only political solution possible..

You should throw their pets into a fire, teach em that fire is hot. Only niggers leave Gods light unattended.

Burn down their house.

no i'm a Christian and I believe in the rule of law still as crazy as it sounds

They don't even live there, they're "renovating" ti for their elderly mother in law or some shit so the woman says.

I think that's what the woman was trying to do. I interrupted her plans.

fire trucks just came back, spraying the hill down again

Your funeral, she's 1000% doing it again

tomorrow i go to see the mayor, i know her extra-curriculary and she will crack down, she likes me

this other lady is fucked

ok you know what blows? i am not going to bed tonight in case this whole hill starts up again

My neighbor is a black nationalist who loves Trump but they still behave all wratched.

do they set the neighborhood afire?

Ff/emt of 18 years.

The vast majority of people the start a fire, then leave, are inconsiderate, dim witted, and shortsighted individuals. They’re liabilities to your neighborhood.

i will chew her ass pussy regoin out after i chew her ass hole out

Thank you for your swervice fire-bro

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what state is this? if its california they might fine her bceause they take fires seriously now

Not /pol

All fields

Typical Boomer or city fag. My guess is you watch to see if people have flames over whats allowable per city code. Next time faggot, go over there and put it out yourself. Or stop caring what your neighbor does. God you are a worthless beta faggot.