Joe Rogan MOCKING child sexual abuse. Say goodbye, Joey.

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He's right. Women are objects, not subjects.

it's only okay when democrats do it

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It's cute how they think we don't know they just want to clear him out before the elections.



Boys with adult women? Yeah, that's fine. Girls with adult men is the bad one.

But that's literally a popular opinion. It's disgusting as fuck and extremely hypocritical, but whenever a little boy is raped by a woman everyone goes "NICE!! YAAS!! GOD I WISH IT WAS MEEE!!!!".

Str8 men are just that mentally ill. All str8 men are pedophiles and should just be shot.

Hola amigos

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He's not wrong

>claims it's fine for boys to have sex with adult women

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Imagine being such a creepy woman worshiping incel that you think men's innocence and development should be ruined because of your fetish and because you're a sad pathetic loser that puts 40 year old bleeding front hole on a pedestal.

You str8 trash deserve everything that's coming for you. I'm glad your suicide rates keep going up.

Media matters is after him now huh? He really pissed off the DNC

>a comedian makes sorta edgy joke
fkn yawn
all fields.

haha looks like apologies are back on the menu, boys!


>the left
>caring about stat rape when it's woman on boy
>caring about stat rape at all

Now do south park

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Holy shit I supported this fucker too through everything, but this just crosses the line. Fuck Rogan, and fuck Spotify for keeping this bastard on.

Your mad because you were molested faggot

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>ooohh no not my favorite meathead pot addict!

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Does anybody know in which year fun became illegal?

Quit getting molested, dumb youthniggers

So many people say it and not get into trouble. People are grasping at straws to smear him.

>statement that 99% of men agree with
>Joe is finished
Lol what

A 15 year old can legally fuck a 70 year old in Sweden so he won't get dropped from Spotify for literally agreeing with our laws.

2011 when the banks realized that if they destroyed all meaning to life they could continue committing as much crime as they want

It's interesting how he used to be celebrated by mainstream leftists, but now they have moved further left and view him as "altright"

Is it legal for a 15 year old to fuck an 80 year old?

David Bowie literally fucked minors. Which is worse? Bowie or Rogan making high-school jokes about it?

You can tell a woman or a faggot wrote the title to this gay hebraic kvetchfest

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I hope so. Snowball it all the way. Where's all the trannies freaking out? They've been oddly quiet. They have plenty of ammo against Joe. Prove to me just how retarded people are to build a guy up to such a level of fame only for people to tear it all down with information that anyone could've accessed at any point. Just do it. Total fucking retards everywhere

handle your potatoes

Reminds me that feminists have a rule they've just made up where you can only date someone as young as 1/2 your age + 7.

I wish a 30 year old bitch banged me at 15. This is the controversy? You fail again.

kind of looks like gg allin

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>all women fantasize about forbidden fruits 100% of the time
I guess Deano had it wrongo

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AoC in most of the world is 14-16, puritan.

No both are fine imo

im pretty sure he was talking about how there is a double standard when it comes to that sort of thing


>men's innocence
What the fuck is this supreme faggotry?

Do they not know how bad their lies backfire on them once people realize the truth? More people watch Rogan than read MM.

Holy fuck who cares.

>some old fag said fag or the n word
We did the exact same shit ever single time a celeb said something and now it has traction for The Thumb.
I don't get it nor do I care too

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>Media Matters
These fuckers are still around?

Theyre trying soooo hard and it looks so bad. How can they think this looks good? Lol the left have to die

Didn't Rumble offer him 100m to leave Spotify and go there?