In the series Vikings Valhalla, the ruler of Norway Haakon Sigurdsson will be played by a black woman...

In the series Vikings Valhalla, the ruler of Norway Haakon Sigurdsson will be played by a black woman, Caroline Henderson.

WTF!! Any Forums need to fix this.

Attached: blacked.png (777x560, 342.18K)

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Stop watching Jew flux. There, fixed it for you

This series is just another American pisstake at our history right? I am assuming this because I have never heard of it.

We wuz vikangs

Vikings were diverse and multicultural, not sure what the fuss is about.



didn't Norway have some darker-skinned North people at some point in history tho? not black, obv, but didn't they have darker skin?

Nigger subhumans get mad when a gook bitch talks with a nigger accent. Then pretend they were Vikings. LMAO

You know why

Fuck off they weren't fucking niggers oh my god. The person she's playing is a literal bearded white Scandinavian male. I don't care if you find some description of a tanned white person. Scandinavians aren't niggers. I don't care if you find some ring with Muslim words on it, Scandinavians aren't niggers. I don't care what jewish historians say, Scandinavians aren't niggers.
Scandinavians aren't niggers.

Yes, it's absolute garbage.

Don't watch it... FIXED!

We wuz VIKANGZ n sheeeeit?


who gives a shit

Crossflags get what they deserve. You sacrificed your culture for the jewish god, now they’ve imported cavemen to destroy your artifacts and replace your legends and you’re too ridden with golem programming to do something about it.
Canadians are more combative atm then the nordics, top kek.

I don't think this is real, but if it is my advice remains the same: same as this

Then what else to watch? Its not like Australia is capable into making a good tv series


We've got the show Borders where you can watch asian migrants get caught for introducing pests and biohazards and then blatantly lie about it.

Other than that, just don't watch things. I haven't watched the Talmudvision for a couple of years.

Not a bad suggestion at all. It fucking sucks though because the original vikings series was awesome. Hate that the kikes felt the need to ruin it with woke bullshit.