Oh no no no CCP bros we got too cocky

Oh no no no CCP bros we got too cocky

Attached: 1644354694133.jpg (750x972, 107.92K)

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why the fuck did they build it there? has anyone explained this? Did they figure they could just CGI out the background or something? I'm used to seeing scenic snow covered mountains at the winter olympics...not some Fallout tier hellscape.

all that fake snow needs a lot of water
note the 'lake'

It's almost as if the real China is a shithole behind le bullet train propaganda.

I would pay good money for a fallout game in Beijing.

Attached: 6D1366BE-26E0-44A7-A341-F8C8F9D5C377.jpg (250x206, 5.76K)

If I were an athlete and I had to go there, I'd feel like I wasted my life.
Everything in China looks like it has a local death-camp.

>Recycled radioactive water being used to create snow for the olympics

Only in China.

Attached: manga3.jpg (1280x1920, 637.66K)

What a perfect metaphor for the country

Do you really think they would do that?

I don't think they would do it, I know they would do it.

Attached: manga1.jpg (2730x4096, 3.19M)

plus two nuke plants to run the chillers

they probably think theyre bragging about being technologically advanced.

theyre industrially advanced you failing nation of renters

They water their crops with it, so why not?
>This is why the rule is not to buy or consume food made in china.
Even the chinese don't eat what they grow over there.

why do you autists constantly make the same threads over and fucking over again

>failing nation of renters
What exactly do you think the US is?

the same shit as canada, the whole west is just a big fucking woke joke


The area looks nothing like that, check it on Google Maps and Google Images if you don't believe me (it's called Big Air Shougang).

Attached: 39°54_38_1_N_116°08_42_8_E_-_Google_Maps.png (1894x1360, 3.7M)

You didn't prove anything chink. You just gave us a topagraphical match....

SO, what (and where) is it a photograph of then?

that was probably taken before the olympic park was built
what's sad it the fact that the pic was intentionally desaturated by judeogloboanglo msm to make it look more grim than it really is

Brazil's green water swimming pools and fecal contaminated open water races don't seem so bad now, do they?