2022, I am forgotten

2022, I am forgotten.

Attached: 05-16-seth-rich-wikileaks.jpg (1600x1600, 198.94K)

Who is this mf

No idea.


You may know him as "Russian hacker" if you're an msm goy.


Such a super sad story of an American hero who will never get the credit for what he did. Although, I do have to say it sucks that his actions basically got Trump elected. I'm sure neither him nor people like me who consider him a hero would have wanted that. Still, even though the situation is murky and complicated, everyone knows he did the right thing.

Some Jew who got shot

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That's really it, huh? You're so antisemitic someone can even do what he did and still your opinion of him is just "some Jew who got shot". That's very sad.


>a bernie-tier jew saved america
god bless this nation

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Seth rich was a jew?

Some DC jew whose death they faked to get anons to care

>Seth rich was a jew?

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The jew isn’t even dead, it’s old pic of this faggot. Whole thing is a psyop.

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Poor feller died being robbed. It was clearly a roberry gone wrong

Ms-13 here. I robbed Seth Rich. Finally got that off my chest

This guy won the election for The Don. He changed the world, it is embarassing how hard his family cucked though.

You are 100% great american hero. Hell he was a life long democrat who couldn't handle the corruption