Kentaro Miura was killed because he was getting too close to exposing the truth of human collective consciousness...

Kentaro Miura was killed because he was getting too close to exposing the truth of human collective consciousness. What are the political implications of this information being hidden?

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Meme magick

redpill me on jung was he pozzed?

>human collective consciousness

Such a concept implies the cone shell collective conciousness and the amphipod collective concious.

The illusion of free will and human susceptibility to propaganda.

Berserk actually changed me on a fundamental level. Once I realized Griffith "gets it" and realizes he's the main character of the simulation, all the other pieces started falling into place. I now treat my life like I am the main character and things have never been better for me. I started caring for my health and picked up old creative hobbies because I realized I was living a life that didn't have a goal or dream.

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Isn't this the Black(ed) Swordsman manga?

It makes sense. Feels like to me it's art imitating life rather than the other way around. I do believe something like Apostles exist and the Holy See is an obvious reference to the corrupt Vatican. Only thing we are missing is "The Great Roar of the Astral World" happening, but that can soon change once they turn CERN back on...

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i've read all of berserk. while i enjoy it, it's hardly the place to look for political truth or hidden information.


and allegories are only useful to those who already believe what is implied. in other words, they're largely useless for true communication.

Miura killed himself with bad lifestyle choices and idolmaster.
Rest in piss

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If free will is an illusion then when is the great test of a human life? Bad souls will take to sin because of a hardcoded predisposition. Doesn't sound fair.

Are we all just a colour-blast of our father, Adam, with more or less good and bad qualities each, that is per chance, and each person's own proverbial "hand" in life?

Well, truth is very simple.
Nothing is hidden!

Miura's subconscious actually killed him after finally realizing how cringe was the star wars reference and Puck jokes on his last Berserk chapter

Long term /jp/sie here: many, many such cases.

Art imitates life and then life imitates art.


No proof but I believe it, I felt it from the beginning.

Is this news to people? Although I question if there's one collective co science or a few different wavelengths depending on the status of the human in question. Connection to gut bacteria and viral DNA is also something I'd be interested in discerning some day.

It doesn't exist at a fixed point in time, but it does reside at a point in time which there may, or may not be any return from.


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Nah Jung is pretty on point. The gods are real, and they're within you.

Berserk, Death Grips and Kafka. All part of a healthy diet.

>I now treat my life like I am the main character
based and simulation-pilled

i am the protaganist of this sim and I say NUKE EM ALL

The funny thing is that not even the Idea of Evil is god in that story, Miura was. Miura was the cause of all Guts suffering, and all of Griffith’s dream. God is like the lonely writer, or an imaginative creator. The idea of evil is just what we (you and I) have created in our fear.

Is Idolmaster Any Forums approved?

Are we able to manipulate matter or is it only a mindset kind of thing?

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Miura was fucking vaxxed.

Please enlighten me further oh far seer

Not ascended enough, Berserk is realizing that both main characters, Guts AND Griffith represent the pinnacle of individualism in a collective consciousness. Even the apostles and the other God Hand are just tools in comparison to these two

I can see that.

Seconding that... The original question was meant to be 'what is the great test', not when. Oops

and he died in one of the most brutal way imaginable by having is aorta ripped out of his heart.

The idea of evil, is the purest form of evil. To get on top we must crush others below. To get our will done. There is more to the eclipse and grifith's transformation into femto than what appears on the surface.

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