Why does history try to make common people seem so great?

Why does history try to make common people seem so great?

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why does the present try to make great people seem so common

To make retards like you have to cope with your mediocrity

FPBP. Based.

"History" is made up and they put they favourite grifters as poster boys for every scam they want to push on cattle.

Benjamin Franklin was a fat useless nonce.

Ben Franklin used to hit on women constantly, even married one's, and he liked making fart jokes, and yet they put his mug on the $100. The founding fathers were alot more casual than we would know.

He was basically a colonial peter griffin.

you really think that? He was hardly useless. As an inventor alone he was very impactful not to mention diplomacy. A lecherous womanizer who was over weight yes, but useless? C'mon

these are both true

john adam's 2008 miniseries made franklin seem like a poser

To subvert populist energy into the narrative being pushed.

The most important resource for redpilling white normies online about non-white sex crimes.

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I just rewatched it and I didnt really get that impression. The opposite actually. Compared to the ferocity of Adams he definitely was not a lion type, but he was critical.

Fun fact: the actual Constitution of the united states has a cup stain from when the founding fathers were signing it. You can even see it in photos on the top right corner.

>common people

What is a great person except a common person acting against extraordinary circumstances?

Or to make us feel inferior and therefore unworthy?

Useless? Jesus christ and what did you invent ? What country did you help birth ? What wise quotes of your's do people regurgitate all the time ? You probably haven't even gotten laid yet you ungrateful little shit head.

Also as a side note, the constitution was really a cope for when the colonies were starting to lose rights. I also know that a jewish banker helped fund the revolutionary war for George Washington.

Yeah, I agree; kind of a stretch to call him 'common'.

Show some respect, it's black history month.

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I meant that he had a common persona apart from being unique in some aspects.

This has nothing to do with blacks, though.

it is imporant to enable every great man, therefore it is also important to find them all.

...it doesn't.