China and Race?

Can we have a thread were we figure out what's China stance is on race?

We always have arguments in threads about what China thinks of various races.

Do they hate or love whites/jews/blacks/etc.?

Are they promoting white genocide or trying to uplift white identity politics?

Is the Uighur thing real or American propaganda?

Can we actually talk about this instead of just trolling each other.

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Why does China allow something like this to be made even though they hate white people?

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>xi jinping praises freemasons
fixed that for you

All Northeast Asian dates aside from CIA globohomo colonies like South Korea and Taiwan are National Socialist

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You will never psy op this board against Hitler, stop trying.

shut the fuck up

>Is the Uighur thing real or American propaganda?


Seems like the Chinese media itself actually opposed this.

>As of 2016, Shandong University has announced a study buddy program for international students. According to the announcement, the international students office would assign a Chinese study buddy for the international student. The Chinese study buddy is encouraged to engage in development of language skills as well as general activities with the international student.

>In 2018, the buddy program got an upgrade. One international student could have up to three Chinese study buddies. For those who applied to the buddy program, 141 of them were Chinese (mostly female), 47 of them were international.

>In July 2019, the Chinese media was flooded by a document of the buddy program, and vast resentment has grown against the university's practice. Rumors include that, each international student could be assigned three Chinese girl friends, and many false accuse against female students in Shandong University.

>The response of the international affairs department of Shandong University immediately provided an explanation of the buddy program, indicating that the buddy program is legal and valid, the application of buddy program completely comes from volunteers, so that no student was forced to become buddy for international students. The buddy program was not special to Shandong University either, many other universities, including Nanjing University, Jilin University also have their buddy programs. The explanation received a harsh response by the media.

>Later in mid of July, the official Sina Weibo of Shandong University made an apology, which mentioned "improper options" in the application forms of buddy program, specifically, an option to "develop romantic relationships". The apology denied the existence of assigning female Chinese buddies to international male students. Shandong University also promised to make adjustments to the program.

>International students in China have been granted excessive benefits for a long time,[opinion] especially in terms of scholarships and stipends compared to fellow Chinese students. Therefore the incident has sparked vast resentment among Chinese media. The incident, combined with another incident that involved assault of police by an international student in Fuzhou, China, has brought the issue of foreign students under spotlight.

>In 2019, during an on campus recruitment event, a speaker from Wanda made an improper comment that "the girls of Shandong University are beautiful, I indeed believe the foreign students are enjoying their lives here" which received criticism.[example needed]

Also the Twitter account in that picis a Falun Gong member, and they are trying their hardest to take down the CCP.

Is is true that minorities in China get affirmative action or no?

Stop thinking through your mongrelized mutt brain. Affirmative action is an aM*rishit concept, why would the Chinese implement it?

China is concerned with the welfare of the Chinese. The average Chinese person is basically "redpilled" on race, because it's common sense, but since China is a basically monoethnic society they're not as passionate or concerned about it as Westerners, since they don't have to worry about it. They don't care about promoting either "white genocide" or "white identity politics", except maybe to the extent that they can opportunistically inflame racial tensions in the West to their advantage, but not to anywhere near the conspiratorial extent that some here claim. Finally, China is not "genociding" the Uighurs, they've simply identified their ethnocultural separatism as a strategic liability in securing their western border regions and so have begun a program to try and more or less forcefully assimilate them into the Han ethnic identity

Sounds like Xi might be inspired by a certain political figure from Austria.

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China has 56 recognized ethnic groups, do they all really get along?

They are all genocided by Xi. Who cares

if xi praised hitler for real, well, he would end up like hitler in almost no time

The overwhelming majority are tiny irrelevant meme ethnic groups, and they're all East or Central Asians

God it's so embarrassing that that fat fuck compares himself to Hitler...

>Do they hate or love whites/jews/blacks/etc.?
Why does it always have to be like a super-simplified childish emotion with you guys
China has alot of people and people have different views that run the gamut

Some people are like Europhiles, they have a fetish for whites and the culture that whites produce, they go on vacations to European lands, they live in replica European houses, if they're a woman they want to bang like a hottie white guy or get surgery to have European-like features
Others don't care about them, and yet others hate whites and see them as bullies or colonizers

Same thing for Jews, some people think that Jews have magical powers for getting rich and social control and want to study them to learn their secrets, some want to suck their dicks and marry their daughters to them, others don't care, and others think they are subversive and don't like them doing things like having alternate schools for their children or opening holocaust museums

Same thing for blacks, some idolize the blacks, they watch NBA compulsively, they buy tons of merch, they listen to rap. Some are Afrofuturists who think that the destiny of China is entwined with Africa. Some have a big-brother-little-brother mentality about them and consider them uncivilized. Some don't care. Some think they are buffoons. And some think they're chaotic and violent and should not be dealt with

The Han think European whites are human but barbarians, Indians barely human and Africans not human. Other races or ethnicities fall in between.

That admire Jews, but only Han are fellow bugs.

fake shit - can't find this anywhere

based chinks
we will genociding them last

where do i sign up?

chinese are mutts of the highest order, imagine mixing every single european ethnicity, then combining turks, mongols and arabs too
that would be equivalent to what the chinese are today, roughly speaking

Han on top. Everyone else wage slaves. It's that simple and anyone else telling you they want to liberate humanity or whatever is full of shit.

the Chinese are basically Han supremacists. You see this especially in the policies towards Uighyrs. They given them something like $2000 to get married to Hans and further incentives for children, meanwhile they force abortions and family planning on the Uighyrs.

Interracial breeding pools

probably some American jew set that up and his fat golem spams it everywhere ever since

They are amazed how a minority race was able to control the west.

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>more propaganda that doesn't match the reality

He goes on pol and gets redpilled.