Why women film themselves doing things like this I don't get it

Why women film themselves doing things like this I don't get it

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That's a man

They want attention

Women are attention whores and this is attention whoring.

shit thread

because they have an inherent need to be raped

I don't either, its fucked. But she is beautiful

>What is attention seeking behavior?

The jaw is a dead giveaway

Money or peer pressure

4 replies in 1 minute but my immigration post got archived in 10 minutes....

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Because a cute chick gets attention, sad but true.


effortless external validation

but i wonder if they realize that this looks pathetic and that most men despise them

Poor girl, should forcefeed him drugs and drink some wine to relax while harvesting likes online

Lol you faguette, she's hot AF

This. All fields

Women like to say "I don't need a man" until their water heaters stop working, car needs an oil change, and need of customers subscribing to their OnlyWhores services

Dunno but i watched it 5 times

women arent more then retarded children.

For chad you inkwell.

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all women want is attention. They don't care about men they don't care about love or children. They just crave attention.

Ngl that's a qt jumper.

Strange, as a man, I do not want attention at fucking all. I want to be left the fuck alone. I don't need validation or any of that shit. I need to not be laden by the stupid petty shit of this world.

Was sure this was going to be a fucking dogs webm.

Make sure and take that selfie and upload to internet.
Genuine moment.
Why are women like this?



THAN you fucking kraut

Displaying the only thing they have of worth, their bodies, for chads to see.
The irony of it all is that they can't stand that men they aren't attracted to (99% of the male populationn) can watch their videos as well.

>I don't get it
This site has so many 12 year old kids.

Wow I don’t know, because sex-starved cumbrain retards like (YOU) will save and post them all over the internet, building their following and paypig harem?

For your viewing pleasure, OP. Where there is space to move, things will move, as a general thing.

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Nah those men are orbiters who fund the lifestyle brother

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Too old.


Teenage girls get on antidepressants at an alarming rate and you wonder where this behavior stems from? She's probably completely out of her mind.

It's not only the males who suffer dire psychological consequences from our current social order.
Hard to believe in a soul when people start to behave like dysfunctional machines.

why do you jack off to this videos?

Look up geoffrey Miller signalning theory. They are signaling their physical beauty. Its a primate trying to attract the opposite sex trough its little phone.

Almost sure that isn't ADHD, LOL.

This exactly. This girl is lonely af.

She should stick him on his tablet and watch the soaps whilst feeding him micro meals and letting him go to be whenever he likes.


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They are modern narcissus' and hyper-socialized. They are self obsessed and instead of getting attention from their mate and slightly quenching their never ending thirst for validation and admiration they post stupid shit like this to get that validation from hundreds of random men.

>Why are women like this?
Unironically, for the same reason coffee is good for you.

Let's hear your German.

This is true. I've seen this dude before!

um, cus men like me love to see it. Does she have an only fans?

Narcissism. Look at the expression. Obsessive self love.


shallow narcissistic types do this. Imagine wanting attention or validation, but have literally no skills or hobbies. Looking sexy is just about all they can do (not restricted to women, men do this also). A step up from this is learning how to play an instrument and doing the same shit in front of a camera.

Out of all these that have no skills or hobbies, you'd be surprised to find out that their outlook on learning new shit is fundamentally fucked. I've interacted with these types which feel that learning anything music-related is a waste if one isn't making money off it. They see others that take the time to do so as losers since they not only are not famous already, but lack the beauty factor as if looking good is a prerequisite to wealth.

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Literal munchausens by proxy. Lady is a sick dreanged fuck

seig heil

The only logical conclusions to draw from any of this.

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Chad only , CREEP

Based 4 year old asserting his dominance. I dont see the problem here.

Many will exploit whatever means they have to draw attention to get the attention of guys or simple social recognition... If you like a girl who does this, that's a red flag. Confident and smart women don't do this shit. No simp.

Attention seeking whores

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>Why women film themselves doing things like this I don't get it
She's filming herself trying to be cute and flirty.
It's for attention.
The only kind of attention a woman can really get. Sexual attention.

Extreme narcissism and being cringe due to lack of self awareness

Still have the overwhelming feeling of wanting to fuck this dumb bitch pulsating through every fiber of my body. I'd put another retard in her broken/poisoned cunt.

I'm part of the problem bros...

Wow that kid is going to grow up insane.

and omg i saw her toes for like .5 seconds . Does she have an only fans??????

Who likes attention? It's stupid.

Simps on social media and Onlyfans have created these hyper narcissistic thots.

OP is only showing us what he jacks off too
which is tiktok videos of girls doing this

Women, because they're stupid.


What's the best way to find out if girls you know have an only frens? There is this loosy goosy that I'm pretty sure has pics out there...

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Checked. When my niece was between 7-9 we were talking about hobbies and sports. I shut you not she said, “why would I do that if I can’t make money from it?” Wtf.

Ngl I would do that too if I was a young good looking female. I would drain attention and every cent from simps just to feel good about myself

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ehhh maybe not lonely as I'm sure she has tons of dudes orbiting her and texting her. But she ABSOLUTELY is miserable. It's like that one reddit roast post said. They have nothing to offer the world other than shallow beauty. They know it's a fleeting thing and if they aren't happy when they are their most healthy and beautiful, then holy fuck what a miserable rest of their life to look forward to.

>The tears and negative thoughts come
>The phone gets pulled out and TikTok or whatever app opened
>The likes and comments make her feel good for a couple hours
>She binge eats to make her Netflix show that she's watching for the one hundredth time bearable
>She feels ugly and throws it up
>Repeat tomorrow

Where is his father?

Women can't take a sip of water without attention being at the forefront of their minds. What do you expect?

That's literally every single mom

Jesus christ, 77 posts in 14 minutes,

I guess this what happens you deny pussy to 80% of the population

Subtract an (o) from lo(o)sing & add it to the to(o).

women without looks cant make it in life. the only thing of value in a woman is her beauty. they know this. they evolved to show off.

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The state of social media and white women right now is just fucking pathetic. It starts with the fact everything related to niggers -- rap music, sports, nigger memes, ghetto lingo, etc.. --- is made to be something "cool" and a luxurious thing to adopt thanks to Jews, who prop all of this up in media, TV, movies, etc... White women see this and want to signal to everyone how "cool" they are for liking nigger music, including to other white men who also display interest in nigger music and sports. Obviously some of this incentivized nigger worshipping leads to coal burners, but 99% of white women acting this way online are interested in white men, and they think they're portraying themselves as "attractive" by incorporating something a lot of white bugmen also like.

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I want to smash her skull in with a crowbar

She knows shes top tier. Enjoy it while it lasts baby girl because it will not last long, and then another young girl will take your place.

>They want attention
That's their dopamine hit. Men have porn, women want the social media likes and attention from beta orbiters.

I want her to be my muse, I want to write poems, paint mysterious and hermetic paintings for her, I want to build statues of her and transcend myself into higher worlds.

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>the wall coper

Lonely in the sense of belonging, not in the sense of lust.
She probably defaults to flaunting her fertility because she doesn't know how to get a sense of belonging and community. Subconciously, of course.

Bullshit. Even fat roasties can lock a successful man down.

Everything women do is for attention.

Likes and views from Simps thats it.


You will suffer in this life user

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>I would do that too if I was a young good looking female. I would drain attention and every cent from simps just to feel good about myself
No kids, no family, no love.
Ever. How's a guy supposed to feel special and give you attention when you get attention from EVERY guy you can?
How's love or romance supposed to blossom in that environment?
It can't. All that is possible is short term flings before the guy gets weirded out that you talk to 500 other guys on your Onlyfans.
Or constantly posts pictures and videos of herself to men trying to get attention?
It's extremely unattractive.
A good looking woman who's meek, and just seeks ONE MANS attention is about the hottest fucking thing on earth.


I read Batman comics to get art ideas. Completely unrelated to Batman, it just makes ideas spring into my mind, bizarre.


histrionic personality disorder

looks sus, possibly trans
at the point now where I just immediately disregard any pussy that might even have the chance of being a troon


too wholesome for women to think about.

this is what bein a lad is all about boys makin women seethe. dudes rock

Future retard serial killer.

I am too tormented by the evils of this world.

Because despite all the shittalking feminists do about men constantly, they are literally fucking dying for a strong man to swoop them off their feet and live happily ever after with them.
They can't fight it, it's a biological need, coming from deep within their guts. The contradiction between this unstoppable force of nature and the cultural propaganda they're being fed on social media 24/7 is absolutely melting their brain and making them go insane.

>be gorgeous retard
>people pay to jerk off to you
>sell farts in a jar
You get the reality you deserve.

Social media exploits women's need for being fundamentally narcissistic