Putin is a self proclaimed marxist WEF agent

> It's illegal to talk about Soviet war crimes, including the Katyn forest massacre following the invasion of Poland and the execution of 22,000 PoWs.

> Russian separatists are re-ereting statues of Lenin in Russian held parts of Ukraine.

> Putin refuses to rename Marxist and Leninist place names in Russia.

> Putin is against all forms 'nationalist ideology' and only speaks of Russia in 'Federated' terms.

> It's illegal in Russia to hold a bible study group or prayer meeting in your home. The only religious worship allowed are in places authorised by the State and all proselyting is banned.

> Putin was Klaus Schwab's former Young Global Leader. Schwab is a dedicated and strident Marxist.

> Putin yesterday denied Russia had any involvement in Mali when asked by a journalist, despite Chinese shill-mills praising Russian intervention in Mali and other African countries, via PMC Wagner.

Fact is Putin is trying to set off a massive war in Europe which depletes the US and ruins his own country, and in the process it allows China to remain untouched and take over in the ashes of the West, giving rise to the Chinese century.

Attached: putin.jpg (571x572, 40.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:


we must stand with Ukraine against Russian imperialist fascist aggression

>the Chinese century.
They'll be hungry again after a year

Good, cry and whine somewhere else. I'll be glad when you're all turned to soup.

Putin is based, hope he liberates us. Fuck you.

>hope he liberates us
So you hope that he bans you from practicing religion and calling out the communists for their crimes such as the holodomor? Are you a marxist?

yes, I hope he liberates us so that we can have a glorious orthodox nation, which is literally state promoted in Russia, unlike our atheistic government

Why don't you move to a communist country then?

That's rich coming from an american, let alone a republican

God, you sound like a cold war era boomer. Most americans on Any Forums are like you these days

Putin made a joke about raping Ukraine in an official diplomatic discussion and all the headlines on CNN are shedding hot, angry onions-infused tears about it. simultaneously president of the russian federation and the based department.

Absolute state of globohomo propagandists. You don't see any pride parades and drag queen story hour in Russia.

Attached: putin.png (1807x985, 1.81M)

>It's illegal in Russia to hold a bible study group or prayer meeting in your home. The only religious worship allowed are in places authorised by the State and all proselyting is banned.
>Putin was Klaus Schwab's former Young Global Leader. Schwab is a dedicated and strident Marxist
100% bullshit that a KGB officer would be th is


Attached: 1614622387667.jpg (1000x688, 130.99K)

Not an argument.
Putin is a massively overrated leader, and unironically it's actual boomers who think he's baste too because they bought into 'le strongman' meme. His actual policies are awful and expected of a former KGB mob guy.

are you legit a shitskin?
yeah that explains it.

Attached: 1644310773265.jpg (879x739, 86.32K)

Klaus Schwab says it right here

>satan promotes midget bald jew as /ourguy/
ok satan.

Proper translation of the number of the beast is 616 not 666.

>satan kvetching
ok satan.

Oh no, what will they do without the protestant LGBTQ pastor tiktoks!?

Russia was secretly the Great Satan

>The government should ban anything except the state approved version of religion
>The government always knows best for us all
You are allowed to move there if you think it's that good you know, no one is preventing you. Imagine if Biden started doing this, I wonder if you'd say it was fine too...

Yeah he says some edgy stuff now and then, that doesn't make him a good leader though. Putin did some important things for Russia back in his early years as leader, he was a needed force for stability back in the early 2000s for example when Russia was really struggling but all of those achievements are now a long time ago, in more recent times what has he done that has helped Russia?