Memento mori

Remember that you will die, it could be tomorrow, it could be in 50 years.

Are you proud of what you have achieved?
Are you proud of the life you have lived?
How do you feel about your transgressions against yourself, your neighbors and God?

Eventually we will all face the Judge of mankind, whether you like it or not, whether you mock the idea or not, it is an unavoidable reality.

You can love God, live for Him and die in a state of grace. You would go to Heaven.

You may love God and die in friendship with Him but still be imperfectly purified and have sins on you. You would go to Purgatory, and after you've been cleansed, you would access the eternal bliss of Heaven.

Or you might just reject God, His love and His mercy, live for your sins, desire to be separated from Him and, as a result, since God is just and you have the free will to reject Him, you would go to hell, directly to an eternity in the absence of God.

Choose wisely.

>(Philippians 2:10-11): so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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Where in the Bible is purgatory mentioned?

it's this

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>burning in hell for eternity for not bowing down and constantly asking for forgiveness
Thanks, all loving god

for the record, Christ established and left us a Church, not a Bible
the Catholic Church, which He established before His ascension to the right hand of the Father, translated all of the books of what would become the Bible into the common language in the Latin Vulgate, organized it with chapters and verses, and then canonized it
all that being said, you should read this entire article

just do what He asks and it won't happen, user
you're like a spoiled little brat who hates his dad because he has to go to timeout for shitting the house plants
grow up and accept the authority of your Father who is the creator of everything

I believe in Macabees. Its apocryphal to Protestants. They may take some verses and twist it to support their apocryphal books, but its not true

Eh, I’ve always known better, just never had the give a fuck about it. I hope I will take the lumps I got coming but there is only one way to find out.

>the protestants decided hundreds of years later that these books that were in the Bible for centuries are apocryphal
>that means the protestants were right
okay retard

That wojak sure showed me that the religion of the Western world for the past 2000 years is silly. If only they had wojaks in the past. It would have destroyed the church surely

Religion is a tool to control stupid people with fear.
Case and point, this thread. Fuck you for worshipping a sandnigger deity. Please grow up.

Why else do you think the Catholic Church keeps their stash of illicit Wojaks locked up in the basement of the Vatican?

They were written at later dates and were'nt included in the Latin Vulgate until 404 AD. Jerome who added them didn't acknowledge them as having the same authority as scripture and your apocryphal books were'nt really canonized until the Council of Trent

>the catholic church
Ahem, "The Holy Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church", actually. dial it back 1000 years.

okay convertodox
oh okay so that obviously means removing them 1500 years later was the right thing to do and everyone before that was wrong, great point

and chapter and verses came quite a lot later
13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

Reminder if you say mean words like the n-word you are spreading hate against your fellow man. Jesus would not want you to say the n-word, so you must repent your sins

how's high school going, user? btw you have to be at least 18 to post here, better lurk for a couple more years

Make sure to actually get saved

I'm only proud of our only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The memebooks are trash and Judith 1:1 literally says Nebuchadnezar was the king of Assyria
1 While King Nebuchadnezzar was ruling over the Assyrians from his capital city of Nineveh, King Arphaxad ruled over the Medes from his capital city of Ecbatana.

the chapters and verses were added like three centuries before luther was even born kek what is your point? everything about the Bible had been established for hundreds of years before prots decided they could just remove books and interpret Scripture however they wanted

you keep saying "cope" but you're clearly the one coping
the Catholic Church has been around since the very beginning
whichever of the 40,000 different denominations of protestant heresy you belong to has been around at most for maybe a quarter of that time
you guys are gay and cringe, you have no authoritative basis by which to assert that your interpretation of Scripture is accurate, and the only thing binding you all together is your hatred of the Church and authority Christ Himself established while on earth
that is, aside from your hatred of His Blessed Mother and the Saints in Heaven

What if I was never alive in true sense?

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