This thread is now a country. And it has a government...

This thread is now a country. And it has a government. You can post one official law that is forced into action immediately without further questioning. No law can abrogate an already existing law in the thread. I will post societal updates of this fictional society we are governing. Three laws are laid out beforehand: No revolution. No foreign immigration. No democracy. Go.

Attached: 1 Diogène Ulysse Napoléon Maillart (French painter, 1840–1926), Young Roman Water Carrier.jpg (433x596, 78.66K)

No niggers.

No jews.

society is civilized, has clean water, low crime, and most inhabitants have a job and a committed duty to the government.

No whites/mutts

any gun is legal, you can own a .22 all the way up to a fucking howitzer

society is also free of rifts, uniform in thinking and morality, and generally not burdened by any high-ranking economical gang leaders or secret organizations undermining it.

Women are allowed to marry starting age 12. Man are allowed to marry starting age 21.

we need to fix the divorce laws too

Pedos get publicly executed.

All females not married to a man by age 13 are executed in public.

society has not changed much in the matter of the last three posts.several high ranking individuals in the country are now bombing neighboring countries' civilian regions. the matter was settled by anonymous, the oligarchs own descriptive name for themselves, by handing over the people who ordered the bombing to foreign authorities. the region outside the eastern borders is now at peace again.
society is still vibrant, very well regarding birth statistics, many young citizens find love and have big families.

You already used your 1 allotted. Get fucked roastie.

We have a caste system. Roma are at the top of this system.

Women must be barefoot.

*brahmins at top , Cows are protected and everyone worships vedic pantheon

An altar praising Nikocado's butthole must be erected in every place of residence.
Based leaf post, once in a blue moon

society is still good, although there is pressure rising for young girls to get married, most dont send their girls to school anymore from age 12 but find a man for them, birth rates got higher, there is rarely any public executions, since people value their daughter's lives and marry them off when they turn twelve. those that can't find a husband for their twelve year old daughters sell them into slavery either to foreign lands or to rich people in the country.

sorry, only one law per poster.
all women's shoes sellers have gone out of business or changed their business model.
society has adapted its first pantheon, most are struggling with some difficulties, however the law of the land must be obeyed and criminals who refuse to worship or kill cows are punished with utmost severity.not much changes, most are disgusted by the new law, however, the government workers do whatever the ruling oligarchy wants.

correction, i mistook the post, i thought it was in every public square. the government has been sweeping the land with search outs, controlling the houses whether the altar is present. nearly everyone obeys the law. society is now still quite well, apart from the few poor people who have to sell their girls into slavery.

The upper class by law are taught neo Platonism.

Those who attempt to post more than one law have all laws nullified.

society sees an uplift in cultural movement. although the intrusion into the personal life of people is seen as a strange, most adapt and feel happy about the newly introduced philosophical teaching.

Traditional Catholicism is the state religion

Attached: St. Erminold.jpg (350x408, 53.3K)

To late faggot the plebs worship the Vedic pantheon and the patricians are neo Platonism

cope, those were unjust laws

a rift has ensued, as many people convert from their old vedic pantheon worship, to catholicism, but the government is very strictly following the new law and all paganism is eradicated from the land.

Our wives are technically our daughters.

Dump a massive amount of fentanyl into the water supply

however, the vedic pantheon, as is law, is still being worshipped, however, under an officially christian name. society is losing grip with the outer world.

Russian language is the official language of this country

Country is a monarchy

Tendies for comfy frens

Oh no, I'm Orthodox.

pyccкиe нe дoпycкaютcя

I'm the fucking king. Everyone who's white gets a white woman and a family. Go out there and annihilate all non whties, for every head delivered you'll receive 1 acre of good land. we're going to fill the heads up with nigger aids and air drop them onto israel.

I'm the King. I'm the best fucking king. I came to this thread and I said, "i can't believe this thread, it's great, and i'm the best King around". Nobody is as Kingly as me.

In honor of you, my people, I shall now hear your requests and grant them. First response gets a golden ak-47 and a Ferrari.

>all women's shoes sellers have gone out of business or changed their business model
You mean started exporting all the women shoes?

Can we make Russian second official language?

All kings are unable to rule beyond a single day.

no law can be abrogated once it has been put in place, sorry, this requires hard thinking and mental gymnastics for me to accurately describe what it would do to the country's society.the new law is seen by many as strange, but the change in definition doesn't bother people much.after some time, the population notices and it is spoken about, that the government put a huge amount of fentanyl into the water supply. many die of the overdoses, however, the population resorts to other means of getting water, like buying water reserves from other countries until the fentanyl crisis is gone.

The Latin rite of Christianity is to be suppressed. пpивeтcтвyю кopoля вceлeннoй.

Fuck yeah we can. I'm naming you my first General. Enjoy your complimentary golden ak47, white woman, and Ferrari, General Ivan. You earned it.

That’s what they get for not drinking Pepsi all day

Too late, you're ALL Russians now