I'm one of the convoy members, I was alerted by a member of your board in regards to a group out trying to hi jack our message It has been agreed upon unanimously that this group neither reflects our desires, goals or intentions in regards to the outcome, and function of this protest. We do not agree with their statements in regards to the Taliban being the good guys. Our Canadian Soldiers are the good guys. We also do not agree with their message of "insurgency" - none of us want to be harmed by our law enforcement officers, none of us want to harm our law enforcement officers. We all recognize what an insurgency is, as many of us watched the friends we grew up with go over seas and deal with such a thing. We are just freedom loving people, who are trying to protest. This group's statements of support, we fully reject. This groups statements that it is not terrorism if you win, we also fully reject. Terrorism is Terrorism, we we do not agree with their statements on their website, telegram or other social media platforms. We do not wish to be associated with them in any way. IF any of you know any spokes men or women. We find their messaging, and intentions harmful to what we are attempting to achieve.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I only have a small circle of truckers that I interact with due to my age, but based on their responses, the convoy does not agree with their message, statements or provocations. I was told to tell you guys I'm a retarded boomer that can barely use Facebook, and to ask for your help in getting this message out. The anen as he called himself who messaged me said the best people are here. Please help us. Here's the link the young man gave me in the zello app

Bumps for boomers

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The only ones shilling violence or terrorism here are feds and leftists. They're their own worst enemy though, as their demented behavior is the best propaganda against them. Many of us have donated to the convoy, and we produce plenty of memes in favor of it. If legitimate, I wish you all the best. Most of us are already on your side and doing what we can. Nothing's acceptable short of returning to normal.

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to be quite honest with you friend, get ready to rumble.
the first stone has been cast under the form of the other fat faggot rolling over your guys.

that is the definition of domestic terrorism:
using violent means to influence policy.
your government supports them;
you live in toltalitarian tyranny which has an army of goons at his disposal.

your friends are right in that violence is the only practicable soluition.
except enough of you need to die to reach the sensibility of normies before that.

you fell asleep at the bar
you didnt see all this shit coming
now you have to suck it up.
some of you have to die as martyrs for the cause He told me just to post music and ignore flags I dont know... or anyone who sounds retarded. He told me, they're likely chinese, and to just pretend like I dont speak chinese.

Its the jews. Dont trust any jews.

Lol fucking hell prepare for Dad rock

Sorry brother, it doesn't matter. They will gayop you if they want, the media is 100% on their side. So get ready for another jan 6th.

Your friend is wise. You should always be careful with rare flags online. The global minority is never up to any good.

Keep on honking in the free world.

Message pay king on Facebook you dumb nigger and tell him these wardoll retards are trying to co opt the movement. Sorry for being rash boomer bro but that's all I got. Fuck you could probably walk around downtown and look for Pat

Your buddy gave you good advice, There's a lot of trolls and shills here but keep your eyes peeled and we'll help you out.

Pat king *

I fucked an aussie chick once, came on her tits and sent her packing.

Is there something specific you boys on the ground need help with?

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The next part of the war-doll saga... interesting.

Oh and to reply to a post, click the post number.

Lol hey be nice I think this is the first boomer we've had on here for a while.. any one got a way to reach out to pat king?

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Bumpin your thread.
Dont know much about these wardoll faggots, but goodluck boomer. Thanks for standing up for canadians.

Attached: 1644310107729.jpg (975x372, 148.22K) I was told to just keep posting music.

How Do I like that ass.

if you're a trucker you need to see this

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I think i'm doing this right, like I always say there's truck drivers and then there's tough drivers.

Holy fuck a real boomer on Any Forums your generation ruined everything, thanks a lot asshole.

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the government does not command us
we command the government

I was told this place didn't have any queers. I guess I was lied to also.

Most of the northern hemisphere is sleeping right now. I'll give you a bump however.

i can smell your pussy

See this is what whores used to look like. Non-bogged enough and skinny.

Start thinking like what could the globohomo do? You need to have your image dirtyed so of course they are going to send their guys to sabotage you from the inside. Trudeau's only escape is through virtue signaling. But right now he ain't got the upper hand. So now the media has been doin a non stop dirtying campaign against you guys. This hasn't worked and hasn't swayed the public's opinion toward his cause. The next step is to false flag terrorism. This will insure moral high ground and justification for more control over the population via firearm control bills and a wider push toward digital id control.