You should hate all black people

I used to think there was a difference between a black person that assimilated to modern white society and a nigger. I have met many niggers that talk, act, and are considered to be "Uncle Toms" by the niggered niggers. Today I realized that these "Uncle Tom" types are no better than the other niggers. I stock shelves at a grocery store while I get my degree in a majority white and upper middle class area of my city. These white people that used to shop in store have decided to utilize Instacart to have their groceries delivered. As a result, there have been more niggers shopping for these white Instacart users.

In my observations the niggers that do the shopping are much slower shoppers when compared to their white counterparts. This is inclusive to the ones that do similar amounts of orders per day. I can have a white instacart shopper ask me where an item is 1-2 times and they will remember where it is for the future. I have had the same niggers ask me where the same fucking items are between 5-10 times before they catch on. The worst offenders are the half niggers. Only a fucking retarded white person would betray their race and procreate with a nigger, but the ones that do provide even more retarded offspring. These are a special type of stupid where they will literally be standing in front of the item they need to gather for their order and will make me stop what I'm doing to ask me where the specific item is. It takes me 1-2 seconds to look at the picture, yes they have a fucking picture of the item they are looking for, and to look at the shelf to point it out to them and it is literally within arms reach of these fucking retards.

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Circling back to the niggers that try to not act like niggers and want to be white. Fuck you and every single nigger like you. You have been a drain on what this nation could have been. Imagine a world where only Anglo-whites discovered the Americas with no mediterranean, spanish, or portuguese influence. Take your monkey ass nigger counterparts back to africa and ruin that continent. No non-nigger and non-retarded person wants you here so when you leave you can take the retards with you.

You should focus on your personal salvation, for what is about to come is total destruction and pain. You have few more years. 3 or 4. You have been warned. Jesus is coming within your life time.

Same as good niggers are dead ones.

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LOL go pound sand you pathetic abrahamist aka jew slave/worshipper.

Christianity is and was always a trojan horse of semitic mind poison against the European Mind.

Christianity: The Great Jewish Hoax

Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins

Why people of European descent must reject christianity.

Christian cultural appropriation

The Origin of God’s Word & the Destruction of Pagan Libraries

Destruction of the Library of Alexandria by Christians

Christian Atrocities: Centuries Of Pagan Persecution

The Methods of Witch Persecutions by “Loving” Christians

jew Brags About His Tribe Creating Everything From Vaccines to Christianity to Google

"jesus" never existed.

White guilt only exists because of the poisonous doctrine of christianity and the negative effects cultural christianity has had on our people. hopefully more people are re-discovering the truth about cultural christianity.

-> universalism
-> egalitarianism
-> sin
-> white guilt

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>don't focus on globohomo

OP is just mad he couldn't be a white woman who can enjoy BBC

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its not rocket science

Why the fuck does this niggers picture looked more scuffed everytime I see it?

Natonal Socialism was a Christian movement.
>meme flag
oh right, carry on with your divide and conquer

And not just niggers but also other non-whites too. All non-whites must be present at a port on a designated day to ship out in oil tankers to sandnog-istan or Apefreaka. Failure to attend will be met with summary execution. These are very generous terms; more generous than alternative gas chamber plans. Criminal mud will be heading to the gas chambers post haste with all other criminal Ashkenazi Jews and white traitors. Race mixers, mixed race, negroid, muslim women and children and those innocent of any crimes against the Goyim will ship out either to Middle East, Africa, Khazaria or Madagascar which will be reinforced and festooned with guard towers and razor wire, stopping any and all who try to return to Europe, North America & Australia under penalty of death.

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This is the ultimate cope. My gf is trad and kino af.

I don't and probably never will hate all niggers, but I will continue to hate 90% of them because old black folk are kinda nice sometimes

> fake study with obvious jewish backing.
> HuR duR mUh beebeecee.

LOL kvetch some more moshe.

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niggers literally think if they can get a white man into the girls bathroom they're closer to a woman's pee hole

> muh good niggers

Exceptions do not reflect the overwhelming majority.

The White crime rate is much lower

How The Federal Government Inflates Crime Statistics For Whites

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I used to think like you do but I realized that even the tolerable niggers still have the attitude of "fuck whitey" and still live on colored people time. They take up space unnecessarily and refuse to move out of your way even though it wouldn't inconvenience them to do so.

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smells like kike

>incels have to make up stories
Lmao. Deep down inside you know you are frauds and inferior

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> T.

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>used to think there was a difference between a black person that assimilated to modern white society and a nigger.
The niggers are "assimilated" when there aren't enough of them around. As soon as their number grows a bit and they get some confidence they revert back to being niggers. Though sometimes they get that confidence even without other niggers around, for example by receiving a large sum of money so never relax around any of them regardless of the situation.