Just how bad is the American School system?

Just how bad is the American School system?

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As bad as any school system that teaches kids that the good guys have won every war ever

One of the most kiked institutions in the world like top 10 easily

Bad i've met adult that cant even read at a 9th grade level

Judging from some of the posts I've seen here under American flags I assume its pretty bad

You don't learn any real knowledge and you get indoctrinated to hate whites. No one I know will send their kids to public school they either send their kids to private schools or homeschool them. It is that bad.

Getting worse with Republicans trying to ban everything

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Look up different theads like american hate, covid cult etc and observe the psychological torture implemented upon me and my people suffered by these heathen at the approval and handinhand cooperation of our parents im 19

My parents believed attending public school for 14 years was just what you forced your kids to do. America is a fucked up place full of desperate sociopaths constantly working angles on one another.Almost like a bunch of jews but less malignant and more infantile

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Really bad. You will learn the difference between a gram and a quarter ounce, but that's about buying weed, not learning math.

Being exposed to niggers on a daily basis is actually torture

>Just how bad is the American School system?
If you're decent looking you can probably have sex with a teacher.

Ropes are sus

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Country designed by Europeans, for Europeans. Systemic racism and white privilige is the foundation of this country and removing these things will destroy the very Democracy the founding fathers gifted us.

There were sodomites since grade 6 ish. All school food was pig slop tier trash without exception ever. Niggers. Jews. Spics. Any kind of degenerate shitskins you can imagine both attending and working at these schools. Fucking zogbot cops stationed within the school. Any kind of right wing idea is nonexistent or heavily suppressed. Sodomites committing wicked acts inside schools and going unpunished. Imagine hollywood movie bullies but irl they are x100 crueler and spiteful. What else did i miss faggots

Getting worse with niggers not knowing how to read or write or be employable or follow the law after 13 years of school and tax money for laptops and extracurriculars

Perfect word. The only reactionary responses allowed are from women and minorities who are reactionary against men.

Our food was so bad. To this day I cannot understand why they would serve children such terrible, unhealthy food. And why the parents allowed them to do it.

you learn that jews and niggers are victims of oppression for 12 years. its like a broken record

American parents love to sabotage their kids education, diet, careers and peace all the while providing zero guidance or raising to said kid

K-12, reddit and several other media (generally all public "intellectual" narrative) are owned and operated by Mossad from the Maxwell / McGraw Hill publishing company which were owned by Robert Maxwell, Ghislane's father.

Since the 70's, you and your children have been reading carefully designed books (that are shit compared to 1900's-60's) specifically crafted by the Mossad, Israel, and Baphomet worshipping blood libel child fucking monsters.

All of the education / college books have to be pre-approved from ONE location in Austin, TX and the Bush family is very closely tied to it / own it / control all content that passes through it.

That's how fucked the US education system is.

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>Since the 70's, you and your children have been reading carefully designed books (that are shit compared to 1900's-60's) specifically crafted by the Mossad, Israel, and Baphomet worshipping blood libel child fucking monsters.
They pretend to explain any topic in the most retarded and absurd way possible for a reason...

Got links, sauce? I've been talking to some people about this and could use some source material. I know it from long ago and my father, but I need it now

I remember when i moved to murica from brazil and ate cafeteria food in the 6th grade for the first time, promised myself to never touch that shit and just wait till 3pm when i am home and eat my moms cooking. also on the subject of health how the fuck did I wake up at 6 in the morning to get to school when by the time I did all my homework it was 12 am?

Black girls don't go to school

Think about it this way. Homeschooled children outperform public school children. That means people who go to school to become teachers are worse than stay at home parents who don't know how to teach or even really know the subject their teaching. That is how bad it is.

Idk if the answer is in this link, but I do know that he talks about Common Core and how its intertwined into the whole UN Agenda 21 shit