Buckle up, freedom loving Police on the inside have divulged information that the heavies are being sent in regardless of resistance. They're shutting down cell service and bussing the protestors to a holding facility. Trucks to be towed by fire department.

They have to be out by Friday, the city council is about to commit crimes against humanity.

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lol, if only they knew... it was never about ottawa ;)

K keep me posted.

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Hows a fire department gonna tow a tractor trailer?

Fire department has zero tow trucks

How convenient. Weekend riots.

I swear to kek if you leafs fuck this up and end up like Australia...

Can they legally throw water at your trucks?.

>Trucks to be towed by fire department.
Oh I wasn't aware the fire department had the ability to move 15,000 trucks
you fucking moron
sage slide

How? Lmao

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The fire department won't be able to tow all the massive trucks and vehicles, the tow truck companies are siding with the protesters, the military is with the people, and the police don't have the numbers. Sage.

shut the fuck up nigger
yeah he thinks he can just say "fire department" and that'll make truckers quake in their boots
imagine trying to tow 15,000 trucks that do not want to be towed.
desperate, scrambling, dumb shills. they are losing. many such cases.

Attached: how you take back your country, Coutts.jpg (960x1280, 403.82K)

Why the fuck would you not want thr people to know this? Kill yourself fed


hard dates are always a larp
>fire department
What do those sound like in Canadastan?
>weee woooo weeee wooooo
They must be pretty versatile if they can carry ladders and tow away large trucks

>Why the fuck would you not want thr people to know this
Oh, let me guess, because a literal concern trolling shill who on Any Forums posted it with absolutely zero subtance.
shut the fuck up you basement dwelling torontoglodyte freak. choke on your puke in your sleep and die.

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The honking must continue, no matter the cost.

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Hi. The trucks used to tow another truck are big, specialized tow trucks and I doubt the insurance company that insurers the city is going to let firemen use them. Besides who will make sure that two diesel batteries in series with jumper cables are not used to stick weld fire hydrants in the open position, after storm drains have had plastic contractors bags full of snow laid over them? How to prevent freezing objects to the asphalt and making towing impossible such as a tipped over tractor trailer with 20000 lbs of snow in it, for instance? Its also difficulty to connect a tow when the truck is moving at 3 mph...all day.

You're fat


not to mention there ain't nothing that's gonna tow these easily.

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