Melting assault rifles SAVE lives

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Burning niggers saves lives.

Nobody is actually burning books. The left made it up to project about their mass censorship.

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Guns save lives actually


black control would save 10x more lives than any gun control

Are cops going to turn in their assault rifles?

>melt your assault rifles goy we have a new model out this year!
go away colt jew

We’ve saved enough lives. Everyone dies.

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The same people want to do both.
O rly?
They're tearing down statues, censoring or removing scanned books from online archives.
It's only a matter of time.

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. .

I will cut you in half with a longsword, kike.

Brainwashed dumb nigger who obviously took the vax so I'm not going to say go kill yourself because you already have. Die slow faggot.

But I don't want to save lives, I want to kill my enemies.

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Anyone who thinks this is a good idea should do it.

That's hilarious since books have killed and will kill far more people than firearms. The Bible, Koran, Commie books, Marxist books, books that lead to medical malpractice, etc...

Last time I saw someone burning a book it was the feminists burning copies of 50 shades

Better yet use the """assault rifles""" to prevent the books that would be burned from being written in the first place.

>I'm scared of firearms

Maybe you should try and be a bit more masculine.

That would make it harder for them to execute you while you're sleeping in your house at 3 in the morning