When did doctors become the stupidest, most corrupt, boot-licking sellout profession?

When did doctors become the stupidest, most corrupt, boot-licking sellout profession?

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>X is bad because of Y
>Y is bad because of Z
>Z should be stopped because X happened

Indian doctor are best though

I like indians and all.
But this so called doctor can go choke on some curry, piece of shit.

As soon as the pharmacuetical industry merged with it.

Vegas literally had them at -6.5. So they underperformed to anyone who bet on them

brown doctors are all phonies with fake degrees you can buy online
i cant believe they are never cracked down on
i got a PhD for my guinea pig as a joke (same degree as some dumbfuck 'CTO' i worked for for an afternoon)

One time I was under anestesia and I'm almost certain all of the spook doctors heard me say nigger a lot and they all looked absolutely disgusted when I woke up for a second and it was a lot of spooks.

I dunno about your country but doctors here have been selling their patients out for kickbacks for decades. It's a business masquerading as a public service same with the pigs. Won't hear that in a hollywood cop movie or feel good medical drama.

who gives a shit about womans hockey

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they are activists it will only get worse activist judges

nothing at the protests is about masks at the olympics of course
i fucking hate indians
i fucking loathe you pathetic dirty casteist shits
I've been "training" my indian replacements for 35 years
know why you never get ahead?
I never teach you anything useful

Always were m8.

They literally work for the government. They know not to vote the hand that feeds. They also get kick backs from big pharma

Who cares what Dr. Terrorism says?

Both of these niggers were masked

Canadians were trained with. Russian womans are respected and were allowed to breave during training. Thise is all speculation but it would make things comprehenceable

Then why are we ceos and top docs ??
>Made me think.jpg

since they were indoctrinated at med school to just dish out prescriptions

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They're literally hocking foreskins out the back

They always have been


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>high income
>fear of loss
>nobody else is speaking out, better not be the first
>student loans won't pay themselves

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Diversity hiring... also 1.3 billion and 4 competent people isnt being superior. One anglo generation can conquer the world

They're all vaishya slaves.
>I like indians and all.
You really shouldn't. They're all incompetent.

You're D*tch bro
Don't like your blonde """people"" anyways

John D. Rockefeller in the 1950s

>fake degrees
why cant your country feed itself?
because you cant

Yeah, fuck this homosexual extremist

Since forever. Before Rockefeller sold you the lie

They invest ten years of their life and a lot of effort to get their degree.
Later they are told to toe the line or all they have and treasure can be taken away.
Most cowards obey.

Where is the confusion?

Indians are only one step up from being niggers, the only good contribution to society is the food.

>thanks for the food though

When they stopped being majority White.

I can say with extreme confidence that most people in healthcare are in it for the money, just like lawyers

Hahaha. True aryan refugee. Go bob vagene your own inbred godlike handycapped coping.

We got blacked by spaniards, its true. Blondes are dying out but they were norman viking raiders anyway. Used to be Frysians who are the true netherlanders. Dutch is a retarded way pf thinking we are saxons. We are occupied true dat.

We and the bings liberated you from the mughals, be thankfull. Soon youll be paki again

look at his name dumbass

>Test negative
>Go into an arena isolated from others
>Wear mask anyway

Freemason cops and media are desperately trying to disrupt the honking on behalf of Trudeau. Trudon't


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>who gives a shit about womans hockey

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maybe the ones who stay in india knowing their pay will be shit but they do it because they love their country, the ones that come over here are all scum who should be fucking hanged for mass drug trafficking but that's most western doctors

>wow diversity is great because muh food i love being a FAT SHIT
fucking newfags

Even at the turn of the nineteenth century doctors were commonly considered charlatans.

Indian food sucks ass curry nigger

Women's international hockey is dominated by Canada and US a big gap and then Sweden/Finland, and then a massive gap between them and the rest. Even the other euro countries that are good as men's hockey get demolished by the big 2 or next 2 (and why there's been some rumblings of removing the women's tournament from the olympics as there's no real competition from enough countries).

>When did doctors become the stupidest, most corrupt, boot-licking sellout profession?
What, you didn't see the Hippocratic oath being straight up brutally murdered in 2020?

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My goodness, I have that exact same nike bauer 4500 helmet that was discontinued 10 years ago in my closet 30 feet away.

How do masks restrict your freedom? Should people protest that they're forced to wear pants too?

I'm calling bullshit. It looks shopped or some other bullshit is going on. Maybe only a few of them wore masks or it's a testament to how easy women's hockey is, i dunno. But there's some sort of bullshit to this. There's not even a link, so the tweet could be entirely fabricated

>too lazy to Google
>accuses OP of being a fraud without doing any research
Every. Single. Time.