Tonight is the fucking night. We the people are tired of your fucking honking

Full force has been authorized. Police, federal and military units will be on the offensive. You are going to get your ass beat, and then these heroes will piss on your bloody face. Everyone fucking hates these piece of shit, white trash truckers. Remember that your pathetic rebellions will always lose. This. Ends. Tonight

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did you forget to switch your proxy, leaf?

OP is a faggot

ok keep me posted

Trips of absolute truth.

do it bitch, you won't


Good opportunity for a military coup. Any military commander agreeing to be called out on his citizens is either preparing for a military coup or a complete and utter tyrant.
Trudeau is going to get arrested and stand trial in a military court while the military holds government and calls an election.

if they were going to do it they'd lie and say the order was already delivered. They wouldn't wait for it to be on their desk.

Police don't care. RCMP don't care. Military don't care. Tow truck companies refuse to get involved. It's over.

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KWAB the average trucker will snap you like a twig

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>mental health recovery
every leftist is a dysgenic mentally defective. Every single one, without fail

There are probably groups within the military preparing to take control when the time is right. Trudeau and the liberals are running the country into the ground over a fucking flu shot.

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Liberal faggots won't do shit but cry more on reddit.

OP is a faggot

Yeah. Canadian Geese are cunts.

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Show then how Canada treats their peaceful protestors! Fuck em up

he's talking about the meme jumpscare vids? nothing surprises me
>be 12 year old memer on newgrounds
>make earrape jumpscare animation as a joke
>16 years later your video gives someone PTSD

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