Hundreds of Riot Cops taking down the convoy - It will all be over by Friday

>block by block
>Jamming live streaming
>buses brought in for prisoners.

Attached: its over yes.jpg (602x856, 87.88K)

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He was right. His source was real.

Attached: yasir stop honking.jpg (653x326, 58.33K)

not my problem, still voting trudeau

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It’s treadeuver

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Here's hoping one of them accidentally kills a civilian and shit hits the fan

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you mean AGAIN

this was always the end game lets not act like we didnt see it. All the Muslim and Hindu towing companies are betraying us.


I was there and there's probably 5... 10 trucks there tops. This will be over in a few hours. Go home people

There's a lady with puppies, lots of older people, I hope they broadcast the fuck out of it.

>"our response"

Attached: weird face.jpg (300x300, 22.09K)

A lot more than that, lol

imagine still supporting law enforcement

Call a general strike. Really nothing but a total refusal to proceed w/o a new government will be effective at this point.

Start the trucks and run the fuckers over.

>He was right. His source was real.
He has always felt "off" like a glownigger shill and this just confirms it. FUCK THIS GUY AND FUCK HIS DEMORALIZATION TACTICS. He even admits he is a glownigger.

This just confirms my suspicions.

>park zigzagged across both lanes
>remove the wheels
>light on fire
>get reparations from the govt for losing your small businesses, parents, and freedom

burn it all down
because it's just going to get worse if you give in now.

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I hate cops.

this and it's a tweet from that nigger that was telling people to smash shit on January 6.

riot cop here ama.

This asshole grifts on the emotional state of right wing politics. He's there a week or two after teh initial even to grift on the high emotions, then he comes back to demoralize.

Sure thing, memeflag

yep he's 100% grift

The world is watching. Do what you think is right. Good luck and God bless. Let's go Brando!

great reset. imagine having the gayest dictator ever.

cope. your horn will never be loud enough.

Just make sure to get lots of videos of them beating women and children. The goal of this should be to deligitimiz3 the goverment even more. Get lots of hd photos and videos.

I still haven't figured out how all these cops are able to violate these truckers rights when all their police stations are burning just doesn't add up. Did the Queen send reinforcements?

Attached: come-to-mama-canada.jpg (400x400, 95.01K)

>feds are in control
>2 more weeks

hopefully blood will be on the streets :) then it s all in .

If he's a glownigger he's fucking terrible at his job

Good. This always provokes worse measures towards tyranny. At least for Whites.

Wait until Americans are in your country killing your pussy asses. I know a group leaving North soon for the free land we intend to take from your pussy asses. I intend to get a few prime acres with a river or stream and a lake on it. You ain't gonna be laughing soon faggot

>right to peaceable assembly
Sounds like it's time to start shooting.

The New American Republic will conquer these liberal "nations"

>Two more weeks

When are Canadians going to open carry their guns?