This is leadership

You WILL eat da collard greens

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Yes please force niggers to give up fried chicken

>eat a plant-based centered life
But I already eat herbivores

Can we just choose what we want to eat by ourselves? Thanks.

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Okra and watermelon for days

That is a mentally ill woman in man face.

He has to?
Who says so?

They're going to have to make it illegal to eat meat to get most Americans to even think of complying

By "plants", he means bugs. You can bet your schwabs on that.

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Cool more meat for me.

#PlantLivesMatter you fucking nigger

how about "crackers"? is that what he is talking about?

>Vote for the blaq Warren Wilhelm Jr.
>Surprised when you get this
Part and parcel.

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The only thing this nigger should be on is a package of tar soap.

>"eat a plant-based centered life"
Eating herbivores is exactly that.

Sounds like a dumbass

I watched a video of a white man in NYC get bodied and ran over by blacks lol.

Fuck this nigger. I wish I had his cell number I’d call him a dumb nigger kike puppet right now.

Why is the mayor of NY black? Is they jewish?

collard greens are actually really good with a little bacon and hot sauce

>ran over by
Dude they straight up crushed his head with their car.

How about he makes it so NYC citizens can walk the streets without being robbed or killed?
He won't do either, but NYCfags will vote for him or some other retard again and again. They get what they deserve.