He's right you know

He's right you know.

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Amit is a poor, stupid and jealous shitskin who can't into money management.

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Amit is correct.

>Aaaaaaaggghhhhhh I'm literally FORCED by capitalism to spend all my money on avocado toasts nooooooooooo stop it you're doing me a heckin' oppression right now!
I hate kikepitalism too but come the fuck on.

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No, kill all poorfags, they are low IQ and genetic dead ends, if you are poor kys.

Only really loaded people i have ever met were nouveau rich faglords and i would gladly redistribute their wealth.
I don't care if it the blackest nigger gets it i hate these hedonistic money flaunting degenerates like you wouldn't believe.

you can save pennies all you want

Those emojis tho:
Unnecessary expenses.

They're both kinda right. The thing is while everybody can get rich, most will only rise one level in a lifetime even if they're financially prudent.
So if you're poor you can easily get to lower middle class if you put in the work.
If you're lower middle class you can easily reach upper middle classe.
If you're upper middle class you can easily become a multi-millionaire

So you should really think about this in generational terms which requires you to not be a selfish fuck.
And of course sooner or later the money will be lost again by some dumb fucks down the bloodline.

The Amish make practically no money, but are able to invest in land, animals, machinery, etc.

How many poor people do you know that waste their money on cigs, booze and weed? And how many upper middle class people that do?

The poo is poo because he shits in the street, and smells and looks like shit.


wow you and amit are demolishing this open door

The Amish have tons of liquid cash man. My father in law sold some land to them and they paid in a couple suitcases of cash.

When niggers and Whites earn the same income, niggers still accrue significantly less wealth over time than Whites because they're more likely to spend their money on frivolities. Same with any other race of poorfag.

Nah, it's a half truth

>bro you're poor because you spend 1 dollar on an avocado per day
Do people actually believe this?

>slice of bread 50 cents
>avocado slice 25 cents
Oh my god if only I had eaten less guacamole I'd be a millionaire right now.

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>They don't trust the banking jew or pay taxes

It's so unfair.

The alternative, though, is far, FAR worse.

This kills the lazy millennial whiner fag.

$1 invested every day over 5 years, assuming a 10% average return, is nearly $2500. Instead, you got $1800 of carbs and fat. This is the power of compounding interest.

Amit is right in his rage. The middle class preaches on the media about class unity against the rich, yet loves to punch down at the poor for 'not being driven enough.' How do children coming from of a family full of professionals -- going to good schools in decent areas -- sum up their success to financial prudence, and the poor's failure to frivolousness? Of course individuals can rise up, but it certainly isn't as easy as it is made out to be. I have so many fucking problems mental throughout my childhood that my mother couldn't afford to treat in the private sector, and instead I had to deal with the abysmal public care. I have so many issues to this day due to inadequate treatment. I may be going to an in-patient clinic across the country to treat my issues. Is this not considered a privilege of the wealthier?

90% yeah, the #1 commonality of the rich by far is being born rich, very fucking few people climb the ladder significantly anymore because class mobility hasnt existed for 60 years

it's 100 dollars per person for 3 days worth of groceries now, kill yourself

not really
the poor are poor because they're far away from the money printer
the middle class are poor beacuse they're also far away from the money printer
the rich are rich because they're first in line to the money printer.

its that simple bro. and the money printer is ran by jews and the first in line are jews.
all modern economics described for you in 1 thread.

Invest $00.75 in a 3 sticks of gum
Sell each stick for $00.50 = $1.50
Trasfer $1.50 in bitcoin 2010 for 16btc
Let it rest for 12 years and earn 70,3761.60
Simple as

>rich are only rich due to stealin from tham kangs, luck or inheritance
this is why niggers simply cannot compete, they cant even comprehend the circumstances under which one would be considered competing

they only means through which niggers can relate to "competition" is theft, they literally consider successful westerners to be the best thieves, committing crime is foundational to their entire hierarchy of competence and definition of success

You are literally the embodiment of this CIA asset. Nobody's fuckin buying it anymore.

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