What stops you to become a cute tranny?

What stops you to become a cute tranny?
You could actually have sex and a social life, but you choose to be incels.

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>You could actually have sex and a social life, but you choose to be incels.
Speak for yourself, freak.

Because that would be the will of Satan.

Im fat, hairy and not mentally ill

You could take pills

Spoiler: less than 10% becomes cute, and those who do started hormones as teens. Most turn into guys with tits and a falsetto voice, and an angry obsession about commanding people to treat them like a girly girl.

Your mom won't let me

Changing your DNA, bone structure or cells is not possible.

>dick too big
>no knife big enough to cut it off
it is over

Go over to Any Forums and open /mtfg/ and have a read. None of them are happy.

No way even if i were seriously mentally ill (tranny precondition) i could never dissapoint my parents and grandparents this badly.

There are no cute trannies, just malnourished men with square butts.

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I have sex with trannies to cope

uwu little wittle pol niggies sugg on muh gurldink

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6' 2"
Don't want to mutilate myself
Know I'd get over the novelty and regret it

uwu little straighties im raping u
im a gay female snail
look me up on the gay board sometime

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Looks like Peter Steele

Why should i become a tranny? what stops me from being a homosexual man who has sex with young boys and experiences their beauty through my intimate interaction with them? Same can be said for females, why should i subject myself to torture when i can have all the submissive and feminine creatures within my presence

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Unironically because it's too late and I'm too masculinized. I look like a neanderthal. Giant nose (not curved) huge brow. I'd be a hon without literally years of surgery. And the intermittent period of having to take HRT while having manface would be humiliating.

And that's to speak nothing of having wide shoulders (unfixable), or how my family would disown me, or how I would undoubtedly be cast to hell for eternity.

Yes maybe my life would have been better if I had started blockers at 12 I guess but we'll never know now. Oh well. I've moved on.

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Will this angle ever work here, memeflaggot niggercattle?
Here's your (you), grovelling shekelgrubbing chudcel.

How pathetic is your life right now, and do you believe this is going to dig you out of it?
Go take a shower, you fat greasy nigger.
I can smell you from here.

OP is a jew

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Your masculinized the moment you are in the womb of your mother, that is the first surge of male hormones.

Pre puberty transitioning is still only going to make things marginally better, the best troons are ones that never develop to be masculine EVEN though they go through puberty.

You never had the genetics for it.

But a real shame pretty boys are a thing of the past, now its just trooning out.


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