Refute this

Refute this
[spoiler]Spoiler - you can't[/spoiler]

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my dog's happiness matters more than literally every nigger combined.

i love dogs and i hate niggers

Some good looking dogs. Hope they get lots of love and attention

those niggers are free to grow whatever crops they want to grow - refute that

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niggers in the desert don't need winter gear.
also they don't even need food, look how fat they are lol

why would you want to refute this? Saved



Fuck other people's children

I feel the same about my cat.

>blacks literally incapable of maintaining a self-sustaining lifestyle without whitey to mooch off of

nigger parents prefer to dress dogs or something?

Some ugly looking niggers. Hope they get lots of hate and rejection

This. Dogs (other than pitbulls) are kind, helpful, useful, and friendly. Niggers are trash.


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Both are animals
Only one is given human rights and allowed to run wild and free.

a well trained dog puts a nigger to shame

cant niggers sew?

Dogs have done more for white civilization than niggers have


It's not my job to feed every human on earth. You might see that as missing the point, I say think about it for a few minutes.

All systems are ultimately shit due to corrupt leadership.
If your not calling out the leadership your just shilling garbage.

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Thats actually true, pretty fucked up.


>my dog's happiness matters more

Please fuck off now.

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>Refute this
And you wonder why they won't enter the standards of western society
literally dogs are more pampered than them
but still they keep importing them

They run freely around Europe with soros VISA and no laws or any accountability.


Develope husbandry faster then. Get fucking good

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The West and even fucking China, India, Japan and South Korea tried to save Africans from themselves by teaching them efficient farming methods. Instead, the ungrateful chimps decided to waste the money their initial meagre harvests afforded them to buy fertilizers, pesticides, and more seeds to quickly expand their plantation. So the aforementioned samaritans attempted to teach the lil' fuckers some financial forethought but that failed again since their communist tradition of sharing everything with everyone, thus they had nothing to keep the agriculture going.

Meanwhile, the dreaded and evil African Whites decided to strive for a better future: a future with food and infrastructure and education. Which ended up having them genocided by the dark ingrates — that ought to have been reigned in long ago — for having the gall to own lands, to own stuff, to have future they themselves planned and suffered for.

The dogs deserve what Africans couldn't be deserving of: material wealth.

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>Statistics and Black History month

Truth hurts.... it's why I lie so much.

>Blacks to white people "We're not afraid of you!!!"

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Capitalism is like,

you have kids, feed your own fuckin' kids.

Niggers in Africa - did they expand their farms, their stores, their produce?

Or did they just say "Me gonna have a kid.....Goberment better pay or he racist."

Don't fall for the tricks. It's your money - you don't gotta give garbage to a hobo because they made bad decisions.

how the fuck is it our duty to go over there and give them cloths, did we have any word to say on deciding to conceive them?

which one is more useful?

I hope those good boys aren't too cold.


Those dogs have a master....

the niggerlings would roast to death in such an outfit

The dogs are actually intelligent enough to contribute to society.

This. Fuck Africa and fuck Africans.

hmmm what to do? take care of my responsibilities or someone else's? tough choice.

based and doggopilled

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