Why are russian men like this?

Is this common in Russia?
Can a russian bro translate?
As far as I can gather from comments shared
>three russian dudes pick up girl
>drive her out to the middle of nowhere and beat the living shit out of her
can any russian bros confirm?

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not my problem

she is pretty she dont want to fuck them they mad

probably churkas

Good, fuck women and fuck you too OP.

According to the description, she somehow cheated a shop (basically a drug dealer) out of 10 grams of cocaine and then tried to sell it by herself. The drug dealer's friends caught her.

This particular situation with drugs is probably just as common as in any other country, not really a specifically Russian problem I think. Don't mess with criminals, kids, they're generally shit people.

Thanks russbro

Just got beaten by a gopniks for scamming drug dealer. Tfw ruskies slowly degradating to a beaners. t.churka

>Бизнecвyмeн c paйoнa
>Heдoлгo пopaбoтaлa этa дaмoчкa
>Дeвyшкa кинyлa шoп нa 10 гpaмм мyки, пoтoм c pyк пpoдaвaлa Haши пoдoбpaли eё нa yлицe и пpeдлoжили пoдвeзти, нo пoдвeзли eё нe тyдa, кyдa eй нaдo Кoнцoa дoвoльнo жёcткaя

so she stole heroin from drug dealers and tried to sell it on the street. zero sympathy

based men

Yep she stole some drugs. Dealers beating her ass.

ahhh the feminist's dream come true, equality to men.

Sad that there is no rape.

she prob deserved it. dont bother. hoes are hoes. i bet it wasnt the first time. not the last time either

She was a dealer working for a drug stop and decided to steal 10 grams of cocaine from them

I was reading this thing about this american who went to russia and went to jail on some weird charges. Like basically he imported something for a legitimate use that also has a drug making usage

And the russian police said he was trying to make drugs and when he went to jail i guess the ruskies kept trying to get him to join their gangs. He said he got into a lot fist fights before they "left him alone"

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>Stealing from coke dealers
why anyone would steal from the most violent kind of drug dealer is baffling to me

How much of a pussy are you man?

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so basically she deserved it? ty for the info user

She scammed a drug store.

Why are these dealers so specifically that violent? Is it because of the money of the 10 grams or because they need their fucking shit?
I don't understand why you would do something that violent and stupid to a cute woman just for that.
It's not like she fucking stole kilograms... WTF.

did they churk your churka in the churkhole?

Sounds like a good time honestly.

>beat the living shit out of her
they jsut roughed her up
what's up with russian girls and drug use since childhood? They're also extremely pretty too. It's sad thing to see.

cause she is a woman and thought her vagina power would keep her out of an ass whopping. or maybe she has a fetish for getting beaten up by daddy but would be too embarrassed to ask so she just pissed em off

She perty but she got off light. In Miami they might have chainsawed her ass.

I dont see the issue here?
Any stinky vile brown amerimutt care to explain what the problem is?

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