Let's do that

What if all the right wingers move to Canada?

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>What if all the right wingers move to Canada?
You would be astounded at how quickly we finally achieve annexation


Would immigration arguments be made about Canada's "cultural integrity" once lots of white people flow in?

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Its true tho, Canada is a fucking joke its the 2nd largest land mass on the planet, hugely filled with resources yet it has a population and GDP less than the state of California

What we need is high skill high class high income people, not more 3rd world shit skin retards like pic rel

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he means 100 million shitskins

imagine the smell

something tells me mr. wiseman doesn't want aryans in canada

Who cares what the blackrock kike wants?

1. Most of our land is frozen tundra
2. I agree but most Europeans and Americans aren't interested in moving here so what immigration really means is third world shitskins.

California isn't a resource economy. It's a internet advertising and government bureaucracy economy.

Notice how Canada today at 60% white has barely any industries to speak of compared to back when it was 80%. The less white Canada becomes the more third world and poor it gets! No fob pajeet is ever going to afford a $10 million condo outside of the city centre. Then again it’s all about the new feudalism and renting is the future for everybody here that won’t inherit houses from boom booms.


LoL What school I might be the only white boy there (assuming this was taken back 18 years ago.

It's the Canadian century.

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And despite that you have $800k 800sq foot condos outside of Toronto.

We should join the USA as free states. It would solve all of our problems instantly. It would also prevent us from being used as a hostile force against them by the end of the century. These people want to destroy the patriot movement and are willing to do anything and sacrifice anyone to acheive their goals. We must unite and protect each other.

Oh, but retarded 3rd world shitskins is exactly what you'll get. 100 million of them.

>join the USA as free states
Oh man your future is bleak if you think the USA can save you.

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I've come to peace with it and am in the midst of developing something that will profit from the arrival of every single one desu


Same. If I can't stop it might as well make some money off them.

Our present is horrific. We need to unite the patriot movement. Canadians have zero legal protection at present. We are serfs and our government hates you. If they manage to get our population to 100m, you will have a hostile force along your northern border and be forced to deal with it militarily. We need to unite now while the queen is dead, our pm in hiding, our capital closed, our border blockaded, and our people fuming. This is the year to end monarchies in the new world.

Housing prices will collapse even with all the new immigrants.

Why is that?

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You fools, they are going to turn us into a weapon against the US. Your money will be worthless when our cities are rubble. They want cannon fodder to use against the patriots down south. Grow some balls and act like men.

We are just a few decades behind you. Conservatives are a joke in Canada the media will not allow any opposition pretty much the way things went here.

Queenie isn’t dead and will be kicking around for another generation.

>keeping your wealth in CAD

>patriots down south
I think you need to detox from Qanon.

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You can't be a Canadian patriot without being a monarchist. I wouldn't even mind seceding and joining the US but that would require >50% of each province to vote in its support, and even if we succeeded, would the USA even want us?

No, you are centuries ahead of us. Your constitution provides you with actual legal protections. Your media is a 5th column and tries to demoralize you for obvious reasons, but you have it great compared to us. We need to unite all freedom loving people under a single flag and then defend each other.

>would the USA even want us?
>3rd largest oil reserves on the planet
Oh yea bro

>Your constitution provides you with actual legal protections
It's just a piece of paper.

Vaxxies are going to die out. It will be easier for us to actually rebel and overthrow the elites. Vaxxies are their pawns and will die for their masters killing innocents.

Okay, maybe her baby blood infusions keep her going but she died to her people back in the 60's. The woman is a lionized liar who betrayed everything, everyone, and at every opportunity. We must end the monarchies in the new world. Covid proved them useless.

>Vaxxies are going to die out
And then Jesus will come back in your lifetime too!