Homesteaders, We GOT TOO Cocky

>2020 Trump's lockdown's make man get laid off (non essential)
>Cashes out 401K, and buys some land in a agricultural area of Georgia: no zoning rules no HOA.
>home steads.
>looks up the rules too, and an RV is allowed in the rules.
>gets kicked off his land anyway.
>Contacts his Congressperson. Marjory Taylor Greene who ignores this homesteader.

non-MSM Link:

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See how the 2nd amendment is just a fucking joke?

What is the legalese of this?

>you don't want another ruby ridge do you goyim?

The legalese of this will probably boil down to some random tax not being paid, or using land for something that its not intended for. Living on agricultural land, or performing agricultural shit on land meant for housing. Or one of the hundreds and thousands of other minor laws that you break every day. Bottom line is, someone wanted them out of there, and they got it done.

Restrictive covenants?

>cited for living in RV
Pitch some tents

agricultural zoned land (thats why it was so cheap) + code that does not allow / temporarily allows living in non-permanent dwelling (camper) and the time expired. Never never buy specially zoned land.

>According to WSB-TV, one states, “temporary buildings and trailers shall not be allowed in any district except when utilized for construction site contracting work.”
>Another requires that “single family dwellings contain 12-hundred square feet minimum.”

Should have attached a cheap polebarn to the RV and threw a couch in there.
Instant living room and increased square footage.

someone? probably some fucking kike who wants to make sure every soul is under their satanic dominion

ugly demons

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Yep. I own land I can’t raise poultry on but cattle/hunting is fine.

It was when they started to burn shit pots that things got out of hand with the neighbors

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His only mistake in doing this? Starting a GoFundMe page.
reading the article, it indicates that you can use an RV in a farm. Its agricultural land. For farming.

The GoFundme has all the events.

>agricultural zoned land
^This is the real sticking point, yeah.
That guy knew what he was doing despite his shocked "I was just living sustainably on my own property" response.
He bought land that costs less exactly because it isn't for residential use and then thought he was outsmarting the system by finding some loophole that technically allows for living there. In reality though government officials and cops aren't going to care about why you think some code's wording technically allows you to take up residence in a non-residential area. They're going to apply the midwit common sense interpretation instead and you'll get kicked out.

Right but the law should be changed, its bullshit

If it was up to me governments wouldn't exist to begin with. I don't really feel sorry for this guy though since it's clear he knew what he was doing and was trying to get around the obvious interpretation of zoning law to get a much cheaper deal on land.

It is a local law and would require relatively small support to change. I bet if anything these clucks call their congressman who can literally do fuck all.

ive seen so many people get burned by this. Zoning laws are probably the most rigorously enforced laws in existence, you could be 10 miles off the closest road and some county official will hunt you down and ruin your party

You have to be careful, the alternative is eliminating, which is what the commies want so they can install nigger.exe anywhere they want.

The GoFundme reads that if he had started the permitting process to build a house, he would be OK. Also next door neighbor sent him to an attorney that also represents the State. Neighbor offers to buy the land.

I wonder how many kikes are involved....

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>southern retard trying to scam real estate market by living in some subdivided cornfield in a camper crying that he was too poorfag to just by land zoned for living and farmland.

dumbass should have just fenced it off and moved his RV every 10 days to some lot and rotate it. instead its just another dumbass fake redneck yuppy running into babies first rulecuck confrontation.

probably just another retard trying to set up a gofundme grift to pay for his ATVs and superduty

With shit like this, you can be guaranteed kikes are involved

gofunme on,y has like 2,000 dollars.

I'm sure this story is fucked up but both you and the article are being biased and amplifying the "everyone be suspicious" angle when neither you or the screenshot has provided all the info.

sounds like typical boomer assholes trying to keep young guys out, just like hunting land.

never interact with boomer rednecks they are trying to fuck you over because they think they are the main character of life and "they always win".

They haven't pulled it down yet and stolen the money for BLM? Shocking.

they purposely don't eductate people on property rights so that boomers and lawyers can run grifts.

lol thats too true. Youll never meet a bigger asshole than that old bastard with 20 acres riding his toys all day

Did the fail to pay taxes?

The pertinent information is disclosed before the sale. If you don’t know what you are reading, use fucking Google. There is no excuse.

>boomer assholes
>boomer rednecks
>>not the (((juice)))
YWNBAW, Moishe

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Any non Jewish lawyer will beat this in 2 minutes
They have full peaceful possession, live there full time, so they have tenure as a fee simple and ergo full title free of encumbrances and tails

This is why the 2nd Amendment exists.

>get kicked off your own land, unjustly
>just leave like a bitch

good to know I never bought land but I am a contractor so I see boomers ripping off normalfag yuppies all day long selling them *barely* code hack job properties that are like one winter from major structural issues. but im in michigan and I can't speak to how it is in the south but our zoning and building departments are all good old boys boomer networks