Muh beanie boy

>I support alt tech
>I know plenty of people at Google
>I bring on controversial people
>I'm not going to bring on people who don't add to the conversation (Nick Fuentes)
>Ra the rugged man is more than welcome to come back
>This is stupid petty e-drama
>Here's a BuzzFeed article about Joe rogan
>Race doesn't matter
>I'm mixed race from Chicago

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also if you have a family you need to quit your job and live in squalor to fight injustice or something.

>Trannies: quietly go to the doctor and get castrated, live their lives, don't really bother anyone.
>Any Forums: Constantly fights obsessive thoughts about them, talks about them every day, shares pictures of botched surgeries, goes on Reddit to stalk them.
And you retards think the trannies are the mentally ill ones.
Now call me a kike troon, you know you want to.

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Oddysee criticizing anyone for marketing when their name is one of the most frequently misspelled words.
I feel like no one else points out just how DOA they are because of that name

Well it's obvious you're not a kike nor a troon. You're merely a simp for kikes and troons, which is arguably worse.

you WON'T believe this
>but first
>actually, lemme say this
>the mainstream media is terrible
>anyway, let's read this Buzzfeed article
>check this out
>I'll tell you what, man
>the point is
>civil war
>but you know what
>I grew up on the South Side of Chicago
>it's complicated
>lemme lemme lemme think of it this way
>as a moderate
>orange man bad, but not that bad
>here’s the thing
>*adjusts eyeglasses*
>I kid you not
>I’m mixed-race
>I can't pronounce the name of this article's author
>let's read on
>woke outrage
>culture wars
>I'm just some dude who makes videos in the back of a van
>full stop
>I guess what I’m trying to say is this
>*adjusts jacket*
>I'm a high school dropout
>I used to work for VICE
>I was homeless
>get woke go broke
>it's nuanced
>Harumph I say!
>I try to keep these short
>get a copy editor
>let me break it down for you
>food analogy
>horseshoe theory
>left is eating itself
>that's nuts
>I dunno, man
>it’s actually kinda scary
>think about it
>Marvel movie analogy
>*claps hands together*
>I will say this
>I can respect that
>but at the end of the day
>I'm a milquetoast fencer-sitter
>abortion good, death penalty bad
>i'll wrap this up
>I've never taken a vacation
>check out my van
>my skater friends who are not into politics
>my friends in the hacker community
>I think.....but I could be wrong
>you get the point
>I'll leave it there
>head over to patreon and
>I have a crypto option, a paypal option
>share this video
>check out the podcast
>stick around, next segment is coming up at 6 PM over at youtube dot com slash timcastnews
>it is a different channel, i'll see you there
>thanks for hangin' out

>Not hating someone is simping for them
Lol 'k

havent watched this clown in 2 years but thats exactly what it was like 2 years ago.

>also if you have a family you need to quit your job and live frugally/off grid to deprive globohomo of as many chances to extract the productivity of the hours of your life as possible.

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Whatever you have to tell yourself to cope with the fact that your a simp for tranny kikes.

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nobody cares tim, go back to twitter

Daily reminder that Tim Pool would rather have pedo communists on his show than Identitarians

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We mostly just laugh at them.

This narrative completely fails when you realize that conservatives are inherently reactive and will rarely, if ever, lead the initiative against anything they oppose. They are reacting to trannyism because trannyism is forcing itself upon the public discourse.

Can you give me an example of trannies forcing themselves into the public discourse? I saw that one on Jeopardy but that's all I've noticed. None of the TV shows or movies or whatever have tranny leads. There's some tranny shit in vidya but that's just because there's a bunch of trans programmers working at these companies. Really the forced race wokeness everywhere is much more prevalent, the trannies hardly show up at all anymore.

>I'm not going to bring on people who don't add to the conversation (Nick Fuentes)
No shit, because that would sink his entire platform you retard.

Why would anyone defend trannies?

Because clearly I'm a kike troon?
No, I'm just tired of this "zomg muh trannies everywhere" bullshit. It's dumb.

>Because clearly I'm a kike troon?
No, you're too fucking retarded to be a kike, you're just a fag.

>I point out how Any Forums constantly talks about trannies, Any Forums calls me a fag

>, live their lives, don't really bother anyone.
you wouldn't be here then trannie faggot

Wow, you really are a faggot aren't you?

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rare. and exactly how it is.

He is sucking off that Jew from Rumble.
