Jews fear the spook noticer

Attached: don_quixote_stirner.png (1200x1019, 994.94K)

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What do you mean?

What did Stirner believe or do? Redpill me on Stirner.

Do you mean spook as in spy or ghost?

Attached: political compass.jpg (500x500, 106.02K)

He did not believe spooks.

What does that mean? Sorry I thought you were a 1 post by this ID so I made another thread.

Read The Ego and Its Own aka The Unique and Its Property and you will know what he believed. It's short, but dense.

a spook is something that controls and binds your will while not being actually real. For example, "justice" is not real in the literal sense, you can't pick 3 justices from the ground, same with religion, same with equality and so on. Read The Ego and it's Own

Can't pick up pi amount of anything either. Doesn't mean the number doesn't exist. Also as if some pussy philosopher is the one breaking societal rules other than changing your gender.

You haven't elaborated on what you mean by "the Jew fears the spook noticer"

You don't quite get it, pi is a spook if pi binds and controls your individual will, the only certain thing "You" possess. Example, when you fight for "freedom" in such a broad and non specific way, that's just a spook pushing the buttons to animate the husk that you can being. On the other hand, if you do want your will wants without restrictions or inhibitions then you are being propelled by the only real thing you will ever know

If you do what your will wants*


So you are pretty much a 1 post by this ID after all

A Jew is ultimately an abstraction that is based upon some kind of made up narrative framework. By noticing the made up quality of the Jewish identity, you disqualify the Jew as something real, or you invalidate the Jew. And, this invalidation of Jewish identity is a thing that the Jew fears most of all because they find some kind of solace and pride in the narrative of being part of the chosen people.

I don't get it. The shadow government works whether you acknowledge its existence or not.

pushkin don quixote?

The jew fear when you write three parentheses surrounding their names. (((Stirner))).

And most of them have facial features and behaviors of arabs the same way.

Interesting video where a Jew says Christianity, Islam and Jews are forces of nature.

I've been thinking a lot lately about solipsism and the outer world being an illusion etc.

Attached: 1488435912023.jpg (523x452, 37.81K)

If a all members of the shadow government notice that the shadow government is a spook, the shadow government ceases to exist.

What is a "government" except for a spook? Why do we need the government? For some kind of spooky notions, like survival and legacy or something like that. Of what use is all this survival and legacy if it all ends in slow heat death of the universe?

Don't know what your point is. Anyway where did you get the pic in the OP? And redpill me on Don Quixote.

I made this thread