How could we make capitalism better in your opinion?

How could we make capitalism better in your opinion?

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Nuke Israel and deport black people to Africa

Remove corruption, jews, usury and the stock market. Also remove all pro-corporation restrictions against all small business, and basically eliminate corporations altogether. Place a ceiling on personal wealth to mandate that the underlings see prosperity as well, and can contribute more to the economy. Anyone caught subverting the rules must be publicly executed.

by destroying it.

give us more buying power with less like decades before

i'd rob him fucking blind little manlet

End lobbyism entirely

and also matching the wages with inflation

jews need to give more money to black rappers and women who masturbate using BBC dildos on onlyfans!

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if society keeps going in the path i'm going to fucking lose it

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slavery back

fuck niggers fuck sluts

Remove all government regulations and make the ONLY state-controlled resource catgirl waifus. Everyone—including women—is entitled to one (1) catgirl waifu upon turning 16. This solves all societal woes.

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force it on the rich lmao

Oh no no no, you won't get me with that one again, jew.

full of fucking trashy lib sluts and s o i's, i'm not surprised, that whole place needs to be gone in a sinkhole

How does this not have 20 fpbp by now.
This thread is either full of bots or shills.

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changing it to national socialism


End the Federal reserve. If they can't monetize government debt. They can't finance the deep state. If the inflation turns to deflation the financial sector will collapse down to size. And the people will gain wealth. The rich who own assets will lose most of their wealth and the poor becomes middle class, the rich becomes middle class. If there is no fed who manipulates base money and interest rates the stock market starts to follow the real economy. Not the other way round. All the megabanks would collapse. Instead of 4 banks controlling most of the financial sector it becomes 15k. Like what it was before the fed. If the government can't exercise enormous power because they can't control the economy big business can't survive. Also you have to eliminate all the draconian economic over regulation which stifles small business. Ban income tax, property tax. Because you own your self and thus you own full your own labor. You also own your own property you are not renting it from the government. Its yours. If less taxes can be collected and can't print money the nany welfare state will collapse and the welfare parasites will die under the rubble.

the removal of fiat currency; going back to gold based or just gold itself. no more letting banks make fake money out of nothing and no more letting the government print new bills. also getting rid of all kikes and niggers permanently.

Nuke black people and deport jews to Africa

Remove most if not all governmental control over the market and destroy central banking.
Or better yet, allow the country's communities make their own economical laws and see who comes out on top.