He did it to himself

Joe Rogan wanted those episodes eliminated.


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Joe Rogan is Oprah for men

He has CTE cut him some slack

What a retarded npc opinion

Broprah with Joe.
Joe Rogan spearheaded The New Age Broprah movement. Wow historical.

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Why did Molyneux get black listed? He was in the IDW originally, but even Tim Pool wouldn't touch him. His history shows were amazing, but now he just talks to porn addicts and men crying


I remember molymeme before pol got to him, he wouldn't touch Islam with a 10 ft pole. Where is he on the JQ at this point?

He went right to hypocrisy of Jews wanting Israel to be Jewish but not European countries to be European ethnically, but then he cucked out and got crucified I think

He’s just that weird kid in the class nobody wants to associate with by now.

No, people are just intimidated by his supreme humility. He practised the art of humbleness from an early age, and won many awards and women for how awesome he was at being humble.

bad omen, joe's gonna do a heel turn

Imagine believing a Manlet is even worth listening to. Small men are not righteous nor leaders. I’m still waiting for a lumberjack to get a podcast and name them. That will be who I follow into the void

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Rogan cucked out, like everyone does.

Literally everyone we try to support ends up apologizing because a few Jews with all the money threaten them.

Did you show your support?

I did the opposite: I rated Joe's podcast as low as possible and unsubbed the moment he apologized.

Right wing blue checks like Cernovich thinking Joe bent to pressure are actually retarded. Joe is a leftist. He's not a purple hair but he's still of the left. His friends have always been leftists and it's why he signaled support for Bernie Sanders for no good reason. Joe didn't bend to pressure. He obviously agreed from the start on all of this. It's all well in line with his previous actions and statements. Right wing blue checkies who think Joe's 'friends' who didn't immediately jump on Twitter to defend him weren't told by Joe not to do so are really very foolish. It's not rocket fucking science. And Joe isn't going to reward people for coming to his defense when he didn't ask for it.

molymeme earned his living off youtube
youtube banned him

irony is that he made a stint on a crypto platform on which I got 300k and he did not
because he thinks he is the new philosopher king

None of these club faggots would be relevant if they weren't shilled constantly.
It's the most milquetoast bullshit possible.
Mouthy Buddha is real nigga shit.
How often you see a thread about him on the board?
Not controlled.

Attached: mouthy_buddha_sequence.webm (480x270, 2.92M)

He could have his own independent platform, build something truly great and still be filthy rich but he's greedy goblin that needs more and would rather kowtow to the establishment.

It's a tough spot because I will delete spotify if they pull rogan, but I kind of think he's a fag now because he apologized. But I don't want to delete it while rogan is still up because they will think it's because I'm protesting against rogan or because Neil Young left or somethng. Tough call.

This is a calculated moment of kabuki theatre. Takes some heat of himself and Spotify, but doesn't really do anything at all. This shit is all still up on his YT channel. The progressives don't watch Joe so they probably don't even realize. Is it cucking? To an extent, but there is a silver lining. Spotify pretty much has made it clear they won't capitulate like other platforms. Not to the same degree at least. It could be a first step towards reversing the cancel culture BS. When Joe keeps his platform and his audience just gets bigger, while spotify gets richer other companies will take note.

it's all a massive PR stunt
they want you to watch the 'forbidden' video
betcha he removed everything- but that one
they need jab-junkies to know their place

Owen Benjamin?

I see it as a strategy with multiple positive endings for the left and few if any downsides. If the SJWs at Spotify can keep moving the goalposts on what is unacceptable conduct they can keep chipping away at Joe's catalogue until it's a rump. But even failing that they'll have succeeded in getting Joe to self-censor and be far more selective in what guests he has on.

Doesn't explain why when people talk about the people yeeted, they ignore Moly and only mention Milo, Alex and sometimes Sargon. He's the Sam Seeder of the right it seems

Lol cover up

That would take too much effort. Easier to let Spotify handle all the logistics even if he has to compromise himself. Dude only ever wanted to have conversations. He didn't get into this as a career. I think if he had to build his own platform and put any amount of cognitive energy into it he would have retired the podcast.

It is so dumb because every white person has said nigger a lot

You say that like Oprah is a bad thing. Early on her show was pretty controversial.

Owen Benjamin is actually 50x funnier than rogan. But he hasn’t dealt with being an outcast very well.

support the already blacklisted people instead