Police will ARREST anyone trying to help the truckers

Police in Ottawa are warning they will arrest anyone who tries to bring supplies to the truckers.
It’s over.


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1. It's only 20 trucks
2. They won't even show up
3. OMG the honking I can't sleep
4. It is now illegal to resupply the 20 trucks

Sounds like a prime opportunity to start practicing rapid headshots at 100 yards from the roof of a big rig.

If they had legal ways to arrest the protesters they'd have done it already. This is clearly an empty threat.
Keep honking.

for what? just shoot them

Its time to start bringing guns to protests to keep cops in line

It is time to show what you're made of. If everyone goes there to help the truckers, they can't arrest everyone. Fines and arrests will be illegal and they can't do shit about it.
Lawfags, attack the baseless Emergency.

>get teeniest littlest piece of resistance from your enemy
>give up
Glowies in a nutshell

Unfortunately, it's the pigs that had 100 snipers on rooftops pointing their rifles at a crowd in which there were numerous children, not the other way around.

you assume they play by the rules of legality vs. illegality.

I doubt there's even that many cops to deal with. Time to show the remaining ones they are wrong.

They. Are. Not. Cops.
They. Are. Contracted. Security. Company


Hopefully people will learn that police aren't there to help citizens, but terrorize them on behalf of the government. I don't know why people allow the police to continue to exist.

Let’s see them try. Canada doesn’t have the prison system that US has

Woe unto Justin Trudeau, WOE!

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Wont happen
Cops only work when people let them
Which is why during the looting and riots they stood and watched and didnt dare do shit, because crowd would have turned on them

Truckers wont sit there and let cops come in and drag people off every 20 minutes

fill up the jails then they can only hold so many people till they become useless

Nah. Not Even Close. Have you ever heard of whack a mole?

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Arrest the police.
Zip tie them and throw them in the backs of the trucks.
Just separate and surround them capture. You outnumber them. Put the government in their place and stop letting them pretend that they own you. Don't stop until you've arrested the politicians and taken your country from the hands of the elites.

Time to peacefully fill the jails then. MLK did it, we can do it too.

Wtf will they charge you with, “one count of unlawfully distributing snacks to honkers”? This is a bluff.