How do i escape the wage cage with 30k cash?

How do i escape the wage cage with 30k cash?

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First buy a one way ticket to Thailand, Vietnam or Phillipines

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Any Forums

Invest that 30k in some suicide mission equipment. Do the trick faggot!

Buy some shitcoin and wait for the bullrun to start again.
Put a few hundreds in each, then some in more "legit" coins.
I for one would recommend $ROTH, BUT the dev team is being slow as fuck so be careful.
Retarded dog coins are good too during a bullrun but you need to buy them at launch.
Remember to take profits, don't be a greedy fuck like me.
Metaverse projects should be a good place to start, most won't take off but you just need one of them to get actual traction.

look this guy up. take it slow.
this guy started from nothing to a dozen mill or smth
trades live everyday u can see the trades on twitch

Alphabet Inc. is going to split.

First question. Do you want to live in Germany or are you willing to relocate to a country where that 30k is what the average citizen makes in their lifetime?

Cont. Move to Vietnam and grow your own crops. What 30k invested wisely will let you live there for the rest of your life. That is what the average worker makes in 15 years.

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You go all in on zilliqa then 10x in the next months

I missed out on dumping 3k into a coin
which did an x13 since last year by a cointoss.
The site got three main coins and I only bought two of them
one is down 50% now the other stagnant.

Well shitcoins gonna shitcoin. I got like 40k in zil now. 10k in cash. Zilliqa going to release metaverse. If it doesn't takes off well then I start again... Crypto is the way to go

if you had invested that in crypto a week or two back you'd already have made an additional 10k

am currently developing a new game.
Last one made me 3x my investment in 6 months.
Give me 20k and I will make it 60k until November.

Do you dodge taxes (in EVE Online)?

give me the 30k and I tell you

The next LINK.

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>chigger ghoul trying to shill for his fellow bugs
>turkish scammer
>needs no description

This is the niggerest thread on Any Forums

You don't. You keep saving until you have about 10x what you currently have then you move out of hellhole Germany and start a business in some country where you could be profitable.

Sound impossible. Well it's not.. but Hitler tried to make it easier for you.

>>turkish scammer
who are you calling turkish, mutt??
I am kurdish you dog.

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what a bunch of bullshit

two months back and he'd be down to 20